Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that affects the serous linings of various internal organs in the human body. Among them, the lungs, heart and the stomach are the mostly affected. It is estimated that each year, 2,000 new cases of Mesothelioma are reported. The patients suffering from this cancerous disease have had prior exposure to asbestos, which is considered to be the only known cause of Mesothelioma. Mesotheliomic patients are often told of the short survival duration of 6 12 months. But doctors specialized in treating malignant Mesothelioma at leading cancer centers expect better survival rates. Though Mesothelioma causes immense pain and suffering to the victim along with short life expectancy, certain treatments have resulted in the successful reduction and removal of the cancerous tumors of Mesothelioma. Radiation Or Rado Therapy is one of the Mesothelioma treatments available to patients suffering from the asbestos-related cancer (Mesothelioma). RADIATION or RADIO THERAPY: Radiation or radiotherapy is a series of localized use of high-dose radiations given to a Mesothelioma patient either externally (known as external radiotherapy) or internally (known as internal radiotherapy). It destroys the cancer cells in the targeted section of the body by means of x-rays or radioactive materials. External Radiotherapy: In external radiotherapy, radiations are passed through a patient�'s body using x-rays and/or cobalt irradiation. This type of radiotherapy is a relatively painless procedure, which is divided into several sessions. Although, it reduces the size of the tumor, the external radiotherapy also damages the normal cells. Thus, the idea to have it in sessions results the damage control of normal cells that can be repaired naturally. Internal Radiotherapy: Internal radiotherapy is a clinical procedure that delivers higher quantity of radiations to a Mesothelioma patient than the external radiotherapy. This is usually given to those patients whose cancer is on extreme stages. In internal radiotherapy, a radioactive material is placed inside the patient�'s tumor or a radioactive fluid is given to a patient through mouth or injection. The radioactive material(s) then circulates throughout the body, with the help of blood, and annihilates the cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be administered, with or without chemotherapy, after a surgery to avoid the recurrence of Mesothelioma.. Doctors may also prescribe a limited amount of radiation therapy to a patient, depending on the nature, position and stage of the cancer. Certain side effects are recorded in patients who underwent radiation therapy, which were minor and diminished once the radiation treatment was over. Consult a professional oncologist for detailed information about the side effects and its treatment(s), before undergoing radiotherapy. |
Friday, June 26, 2009
Radiation or Radiotherapy
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Today I came across a blog that explores alternative treatments for cancer, of all types. Our friend Charlene Kaforey, who recently experienced good results for her mesothelioma with an alternative cancer vaccine program at the ITL Alternative Cancer Treatment Clinic in the Bahamas, posted her story to the site. The blog is a project of Jonathan Chamberlain, who authored two books about alternative therapies after losing his wife, Bernadette, to cervical cancer in 1994.
The blog, called the Cancerfighter’s Weblog, explores “alternative cancer therapies and ideas,” touching on a wide range of topics that also includes general health and wellness through alternative, holistic or natural medicines and practices. He encourages people like Charlene, who are trying non-traditional therapies, to share their stories and experiences with others, and provides a forum for people to ask questions.
John has another web site, Fighting Cancer: A Survival Guide, where he shares some personal stories of his and Bernadette’s life, and addresses topics including how to deal with a diagnosis of cancer, advice for caregivers, stories of good and bad experiences with alternative treatments, and good and bad stories about orthodox treatments.
An English teacher living in Hong Kong, John has authored textbooks for secondary school students, and also has written a number of other books on topics including Chinese folk religion, a profile of a famous Chinese gambler, and a touching biography about the life of his daughter, Stevie, who had Down Syndrome.
The blog, called the Cancerfighter’s Weblog, explores “alternative cancer therapies and ideas,” touching on a wide range of topics that also includes general health and wellness through alternative, holistic or natural medicines and practices. He encourages people like Charlene, who are trying non-traditional therapies, to share their stories and experiences with others, and provides a forum for people to ask questions.
John has another web site, Fighting Cancer: A Survival Guide, where he shares some personal stories of his and Bernadette’s life, and addresses topics including how to deal with a diagnosis of cancer, advice for caregivers, stories of good and bad experiences with alternative treatments, and good and bad stories about orthodox treatments.
An English teacher living in Hong Kong, John has authored textbooks for secondary school students, and also has written a number of other books on topics including Chinese folk religion, a profile of a famous Chinese gambler, and a touching biography about the life of his daughter, Stevie, who had Down Syndrome.
Senator Patty Murray
Six years ago, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) first introduced her proposed legislation to ban asbestos and invest federal funding in the research critically needed to develop effective treatments for the vicious cancer, mesothelioma, and other asbestos related diseases. Since 2002, the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (Meso Foundation) has worked closely with Senator Murray to stop the death and suffering and to get this life-saving legislation passed. On October 4th, 2007, 120 Meso Foundation volunteer advocates from all over the country descended on Capitol Hill, meeting with their Senators, and urging support for the legislation. By the end of that very day, the Senate unanimously passed it.
On the House side, Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN) introduced the companion legislation as The Bruce Vento Ban Asbestos and Prevent Mesothelioma Act of 2007 (H.R. 3339). The Environment and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee of the House's Energy and Commerce Committee (E&C Committee) has taken the lead on the legislation. In its draft, known as the Committee Print, the Environment and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee has carried forward Senator Murray's work on the ban, eliminating an exception for asbestos present at 1% or less by weight, making the ban a matter of federal statute rather than EPA regulation, and adding enforcement provisions.
The critically needed medical research funding provisions from Senator Murray's and Congresswoman McCollum's legislation have not yet been added to the Committee Print. The Meso Foundation has been working with the E&C Committee's Health Subcommittee to draft these provisions.
The Meso Foundation issued a statement today saying,
"We commend the Environment and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee for following up on the historic leadership of Senator Patty Murray and Congresswoman Betty McCollum and taking up the issue of carcinogenic asbestos. We support the strongest possible ban on asbestos and applaud the Sub-committee for their work in drafting the Committee Print. For the sake of all those already exposed, those now sick, and those who will be exposed in the future to asbestos already in place, we call on the Health Subcommittee to follow Senator Murray and Congresswoman McCollum in recognizing the necessity of a robust asbestos disease research program, and to adopt the research funding provisions included in their legislation. Once these provisions have been added to the existing Committee Print, we call on the House of Representatives to pass this legislation as quickly as possible so that it can be conferenced with the Senate-passed legislation championed by Senator Murray, and a bill can be presented to the President for signature."
Representative Lois Capps (D-CA) and the staff of the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a briefing session on Monday, May 19th to educate the key staff of other House members on the critical need for this legislation. Meso Foundation Medical Liaison Mary Hesdorffer, a nurse practitioner with twelve years' experience treating meso patients and designing clinical trials, was one of the key speakers. Based on her professional experience with hundreds of meso patients, Mary spoke on why the Meso Foundation supports the Committee Print and the House's effort to pass the strongest ban possible. She also explained why the research funding provisions are so critically important for the millions who were exposed in the past sixty years - and all those who will continue to be exposed to the asbestos already pervasive in our environment.
The Meso Foundation has also issued an "Action Alert" urging all 15,000 of its constituents to call on their House Representative this week to support prompt passage in the House of the asbestos ban and research funding provisions. This year, as part of its annual Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma, the Meso Foundation will be holding another Advocacy Day, on June 26. "We are again bringing our army of advocates -- doctors, researchers, and most importantly, families directly impacted by this deadly cancer -- to D.C. to tell their stories. We are going to make sure the House and the President complete the life-saving work started by Senator Murray," said Chris Hahn, Meso Foundation Executive Director.
Asbestos is so deadly that there is no known safe level of exposure. Even a tiny bit of fiber can cause mesothelioma. Approximately 3000 Americans are dying each year from the cancer, the result of exposures that occurred ten to sixty years ago. Those at risk include everyone from U.S. Navy veterans, workers in shipyards or demolition, brake mechanics, roofers and cement masons, to workers' families and even those who lived, worked or went to school in contaminated buildings. Most meso patients die within two years of diagnosis.
"We started this effort with Senator Murray six years ago," says Hahn. "Since then, 3,000 wonderful people in the U.S. have died every year because of the lack of effective medical treatments for meso. We don't want another day to go by without the research funding needed to develop those treatments."
The Meso Foundation is a not-for-profit collaboration of patients and families, physicians, advocates and researchers dedicated to eradicating the life-ending and vicious effects of mesothelioma. The Foundation spurs meso research with seed-money grant funding, over $5 million to date. The Foundation also provides patients and families with information on mesothelioma treatments, clinical trials and medical referrals through its full-time mesothelioma nurse practitioner and its website, The Meso Foundation also hosts the annual Symposium to educate patients and families on the latest advances in meso research and treatment. This year, the Symposium will be held in Washington, DC on June 26-28
On the House side, Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN) introduced the companion legislation as The Bruce Vento Ban Asbestos and Prevent Mesothelioma Act of 2007 (H.R. 3339). The Environment and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee of the House's Energy and Commerce Committee (E&C Committee) has taken the lead on the legislation. In its draft, known as the Committee Print, the Environment and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee has carried forward Senator Murray's work on the ban, eliminating an exception for asbestos present at 1% or less by weight, making the ban a matter of federal statute rather than EPA regulation, and adding enforcement provisions.
The critically needed medical research funding provisions from Senator Murray's and Congresswoman McCollum's legislation have not yet been added to the Committee Print. The Meso Foundation has been working with the E&C Committee's Health Subcommittee to draft these provisions.
The Meso Foundation issued a statement today saying,
"We commend the Environment and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee for following up on the historic leadership of Senator Patty Murray and Congresswoman Betty McCollum and taking up the issue of carcinogenic asbestos. We support the strongest possible ban on asbestos and applaud the Sub-committee for their work in drafting the Committee Print. For the sake of all those already exposed, those now sick, and those who will be exposed in the future to asbestos already in place, we call on the Health Subcommittee to follow Senator Murray and Congresswoman McCollum in recognizing the necessity of a robust asbestos disease research program, and to adopt the research funding provisions included in their legislation. Once these provisions have been added to the existing Committee Print, we call on the House of Representatives to pass this legislation as quickly as possible so that it can be conferenced with the Senate-passed legislation championed by Senator Murray, and a bill can be presented to the President for signature."
Representative Lois Capps (D-CA) and the staff of the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a briefing session on Monday, May 19th to educate the key staff of other House members on the critical need for this legislation. Meso Foundation Medical Liaison Mary Hesdorffer, a nurse practitioner with twelve years' experience treating meso patients and designing clinical trials, was one of the key speakers. Based on her professional experience with hundreds of meso patients, Mary spoke on why the Meso Foundation supports the Committee Print and the House's effort to pass the strongest ban possible. She also explained why the research funding provisions are so critically important for the millions who were exposed in the past sixty years - and all those who will continue to be exposed to the asbestos already pervasive in our environment.
The Meso Foundation has also issued an "Action Alert" urging all 15,000 of its constituents to call on their House Representative this week to support prompt passage in the House of the asbestos ban and research funding provisions. This year, as part of its annual Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma, the Meso Foundation will be holding another Advocacy Day, on June 26. "We are again bringing our army of advocates -- doctors, researchers, and most importantly, families directly impacted by this deadly cancer -- to D.C. to tell their stories. We are going to make sure the House and the President complete the life-saving work started by Senator Murray," said Chris Hahn, Meso Foundation Executive Director.
Asbestos is so deadly that there is no known safe level of exposure. Even a tiny bit of fiber can cause mesothelioma. Approximately 3000 Americans are dying each year from the cancer, the result of exposures that occurred ten to sixty years ago. Those at risk include everyone from U.S. Navy veterans, workers in shipyards or demolition, brake mechanics, roofers and cement masons, to workers' families and even those who lived, worked or went to school in contaminated buildings. Most meso patients die within two years of diagnosis.
"We started this effort with Senator Murray six years ago," says Hahn. "Since then, 3,000 wonderful people in the U.S. have died every year because of the lack of effective medical treatments for meso. We don't want another day to go by without the research funding needed to develop those treatments."
The Meso Foundation is a not-for-profit collaboration of patients and families, physicians, advocates and researchers dedicated to eradicating the life-ending and vicious effects of mesothelioma. The Foundation spurs meso research with seed-money grant funding, over $5 million to date. The Foundation also provides patients and families with information on mesothelioma treatments, clinical trials and medical referrals through its full-time mesothelioma nurse practitioner and its website, The Meso Foundation also hosts the annual Symposium to educate patients and families on the latest advances in meso research and treatment. This year, the Symposium will be held in Washington, DC on June 26-28
Cancer News
Mesothelioma (meso) is an asbestos-related cancer that invades the lining of the lungs, abdomen, heart or testicles, causing excruciating pain and death. Government and industry have known about the disease for half a century, and legal disputes over liability have consumed billions of dollars. But the need for research funding to develop treatments has largely been ignored. There is no designated federal funding for meso research. As a result, today's standard treatments usually have only a very limited effect and the average survival is only 4 to 14 months.
Meso kills thousands of Americans each year, it has a long latency (30 years average) and its incidence is rising. For decades, asbestos was used heavily in Navy ships and shipyards, in industrial workplaces, and in the construction of virtually all homes, schools and office buildings. Most at risk are the millions of U.S. workers and servicemen who were exposed almost daily, as well as their wives and children -- exposed when they brought the fibers home each night on their hair, skin and clothes.
Americans continue to be put at risk today. Even short-term, low exposures can cause the disease, and the EPA estimates that asbestos is present in as many as 35 million U.S. homes. It still has not been banned in the U.S. and is used in over 3,000 products. Hundreds of tons were released into New York's air from the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Therefore, MARF is calling on the government to join in a public-private partnership to advance critically-needed meso research. MARF, the nation's largest private source of independent meso research funding, has developed a detailed proposal for a National Mesothelioma Research and Treatment Program (NMRTP). Under the NMRTP, the federal government would invest $30 million per year to help develop recent advances in meso early detection, prevention, and treatment of meso.
Five days ago MARF began circulating a petition calling on Congress to appropriate the funds necessary for the NMRTP. Over 1200 individuals have already signed. MARF hopes to gather 10,000 signatures by March 15 and submit them to the Senate Appropriations Committee, so that the NMRTP proposal can be included in Congress's initial budget submission.
According to MARF, the NMRTP presents an historic opportunity for federal leaders to end the tragedy of mesothelioma. For decades meso was dismissed with the self-defeating rationale that "the disease is incurable, so why try?" But with an investment of over $2 million in meso research during the last five years, MARF has established that meso has the potential to become a curable cancer. Indeed medical experts who specialize in meso now believe that with an appropriate commitment of resources, effective treatments for the tumor, and even methods to detect and prevent it before symptoms erupt, are within reach.
"Just in time," says MARF Communications Director and meso patient Klaus Brauch. Brauch authored an exhaustive MARF report documenting that at least 100,000 firefighters, police officers, rescue workers and New York City residents, workers and school children were exposed to potentially lethal amounts of asbestos following the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11.
"Unless we act now to fully develop the recent breakthroughs in early detection, prevention and treatment, we are virtually guaranteed to have more victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack in the next 10 to 30 years," he says. "I cannot believe that America will stand by as our brave first responders succumb to cancer caused by this horrific act. We have a warning and time to take action but not unlimited time."
Resources are not unlimited either, but even with anticipated cuts in domestic spending, MARF is confident that the resources can be found. The National Cancer Institute, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Defense all significantly fund research in diseases other than meso. Their proposed budgets for 2006 are, respectively, $4.8 billion, $70.8 billion, and $401.7 billion. The Senate Judiciary Committee is considering controversial legislation to create a $140 billion trust fund to "compensate" asbestos disease victims after they get sick. "Surely Congress can find $30 million to prevent the suffering and death in the first place," says MARF Executive Director Christopher Hahn.
"The notion that our hands are tied, and that meso is a horrible death sentence that we cannot do anything about is dangerously apathetic, outdated and misinformed," Hahn continues. "It would be unconscionable for Congress to tell meso victims that it is simply giving up on this disease. Up to one third of these victims served our country in Navy ships and shipyards. 'Surrender' is not in their vocabulary."
Meso kills thousands of Americans each year, it has a long latency (30 years average) and its incidence is rising. For decades, asbestos was used heavily in Navy ships and shipyards, in industrial workplaces, and in the construction of virtually all homes, schools and office buildings. Most at risk are the millions of U.S. workers and servicemen who were exposed almost daily, as well as their wives and children -- exposed when they brought the fibers home each night on their hair, skin and clothes.
Americans continue to be put at risk today. Even short-term, low exposures can cause the disease, and the EPA estimates that asbestos is present in as many as 35 million U.S. homes. It still has not been banned in the U.S. and is used in over 3,000 products. Hundreds of tons were released into New York's air from the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Therefore, MARF is calling on the government to join in a public-private partnership to advance critically-needed meso research. MARF, the nation's largest private source of independent meso research funding, has developed a detailed proposal for a National Mesothelioma Research and Treatment Program (NMRTP). Under the NMRTP, the federal government would invest $30 million per year to help develop recent advances in meso early detection, prevention, and treatment of meso.
Five days ago MARF began circulating a petition calling on Congress to appropriate the funds necessary for the NMRTP. Over 1200 individuals have already signed. MARF hopes to gather 10,000 signatures by March 15 and submit them to the Senate Appropriations Committee, so that the NMRTP proposal can be included in Congress's initial budget submission.
According to MARF, the NMRTP presents an historic opportunity for federal leaders to end the tragedy of mesothelioma. For decades meso was dismissed with the self-defeating rationale that "the disease is incurable, so why try?" But with an investment of over $2 million in meso research during the last five years, MARF has established that meso has the potential to become a curable cancer. Indeed medical experts who specialize in meso now believe that with an appropriate commitment of resources, effective treatments for the tumor, and even methods to detect and prevent it before symptoms erupt, are within reach.
"Just in time," says MARF Communications Director and meso patient Klaus Brauch. Brauch authored an exhaustive MARF report documenting that at least 100,000 firefighters, police officers, rescue workers and New York City residents, workers and school children were exposed to potentially lethal amounts of asbestos following the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11.
"Unless we act now to fully develop the recent breakthroughs in early detection, prevention and treatment, we are virtually guaranteed to have more victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack in the next 10 to 30 years," he says. "I cannot believe that America will stand by as our brave first responders succumb to cancer caused by this horrific act. We have a warning and time to take action but not unlimited time."
Resources are not unlimited either, but even with anticipated cuts in domestic spending, MARF is confident that the resources can be found. The National Cancer Institute, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Defense all significantly fund research in diseases other than meso. Their proposed budgets for 2006 are, respectively, $4.8 billion, $70.8 billion, and $401.7 billion. The Senate Judiciary Committee is considering controversial legislation to create a $140 billion trust fund to "compensate" asbestos disease victims after they get sick. "Surely Congress can find $30 million to prevent the suffering and death in the first place," says MARF Executive Director Christopher Hahn.
"The notion that our hands are tied, and that meso is a horrible death sentence that we cannot do anything about is dangerously apathetic, outdated and misinformed," Hahn continues. "It would be unconscionable for Congress to tell meso victims that it is simply giving up on this disease. Up to one third of these victims served our country in Navy ships and shipyards. 'Surrender' is not in their vocabulary."
Those of us who work to raise awareness about mesothelioma, or who are facing the diagnosis for ourselves or with a loved one, tend to talk about it a lot. We corner people at gatherings and start warning them about the dangers of asbestos, or sharing the latest information about treatments and research. We barely need an opening to start talking about mesothelioma.
But now it’s even easier. has several items we’d love to share with you that will help open doors to conversation - bracelets, pens and water bottles, all emblazoned with the words “mesothelioma” and “awareness.” We’d be happy to send you some of these to help you talk to other people about the dangers of asbestos exposure and the challenges facing those battling mesothelioma.
You can pretty much always count on seeing me with a bright blue mesothelioma awareness bracelet now. If you don’t see it, it’s probably because I’ve given it away when someone asked me about it, so they will remember to look for information after we’ve parted. I leave meso awareness pens in restaurants, hoping a curious diner after me will steal one and search to find out what it’s all about. I strike up conversations in the gym or at the park when someone sees my water bottle and asks, “what is that about?” It makes it really easy to spread the word!
Now you can help us raise awareness! You can have any of these items for FREE! Just send me an email and let me know what you need and where to send it. We will not share your information or use it for solicitation. We just want to help you help us share the news about this public health issue.
The more people we can educate about mesothelioma and asbestos danger, the closer we will come to securing funding for prevention, research and solutions.
But now it’s even easier. has several items we’d love to share with you that will help open doors to conversation - bracelets, pens and water bottles, all emblazoned with the words “mesothelioma” and “awareness.” We’d be happy to send you some of these to help you talk to other people about the dangers of asbestos exposure and the challenges facing those battling mesothelioma.
You can pretty much always count on seeing me with a bright blue mesothelioma awareness bracelet now. If you don’t see it, it’s probably because I’ve given it away when someone asked me about it, so they will remember to look for information after we’ve parted. I leave meso awareness pens in restaurants, hoping a curious diner after me will steal one and search to find out what it’s all about. I strike up conversations in the gym or at the park when someone sees my water bottle and asks, “what is that about?” It makes it really easy to spread the word!
Now you can help us raise awareness! You can have any of these items for FREE! Just send me an email and let me know what you need and where to send it. We will not share your information or use it for solicitation. We just want to help you help us share the news about this public health issue.
The more people we can educate about mesothelioma and asbestos danger, the closer we will come to securing funding for prevention, research and solutions.
How does asbestos exposure occur?
When asbestos containing products are cut, sawed, or sanded tiny fibers are released into the air. People who were in the vicinity of where these actions took place, breathed these fibers.
Who is responsible for my asbestos injury?
Every company that manufactured an asbestos product that you were exposed to is potentially responsible for your asbestos injury. Even if you do not know the names of the manufacturers of asbestos products that you were exposed to, we can probably identify the products that you were exposed to based on the job sites where you worked.
When does a person have an asbestos related lawsuit?
If diagnosed with mesothelioma a person does have an asbestos related lawsuit. Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of this disease.
If diagnosed with lung cancer and exposed to asbestos, the lung cancer was probably caused in part by asbestos.
How much will it cost me to bring a lawsuit?
It will cost you nothing. The Murray Law Firm works on a contingent fee basis; therefore the lawsuit costs nothing to a client unless money is recovered on behalf of the client.
Will I be responsible for expenses even if I do not receive any money?
No. Expenses are included in the costs to bring a lawsuit. If you do not receive any money, you are not responsible for the expenses incurred to bring that lawsuit.
What if I do receive money? Will expenses take away a large portion of that money?
No. The Murray Law Firm has been working in this area for many years, so our expenses are low.
What if I donĂ¯¿½t want to settle because I think the value is too low or I want my day in court?
You do not have to agree to the settlement. No client can be bound to a settlement without their consent. Each client has the right to accept or deny any settlement offer and have their day in court.
Is it a lot of work for me if I decide to file a lawsuit?
No. The hardest part is to make the initial decision to file a lawsuit. After that, we make every attempt to make this process as easy as possible.
When asbestos containing products are cut, sawed, or sanded tiny fibers are released into the air. People who were in the vicinity of where these actions took place, breathed these fibers.
Who is responsible for my asbestos injury?
Every company that manufactured an asbestos product that you were exposed to is potentially responsible for your asbestos injury. Even if you do not know the names of the manufacturers of asbestos products that you were exposed to, we can probably identify the products that you were exposed to based on the job sites where you worked.
When does a person have an asbestos related lawsuit?
If diagnosed with mesothelioma a person does have an asbestos related lawsuit. Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of this disease.
If diagnosed with lung cancer and exposed to asbestos, the lung cancer was probably caused in part by asbestos.
How much will it cost me to bring a lawsuit?
It will cost you nothing. The Murray Law Firm works on a contingent fee basis; therefore the lawsuit costs nothing to a client unless money is recovered on behalf of the client.
Will I be responsible for expenses even if I do not receive any money?
No. Expenses are included in the costs to bring a lawsuit. If you do not receive any money, you are not responsible for the expenses incurred to bring that lawsuit.
What if I do receive money? Will expenses take away a large portion of that money?
No. The Murray Law Firm has been working in this area for many years, so our expenses are low.
What if I donĂ¯¿½t want to settle because I think the value is too low or I want my day in court?
You do not have to agree to the settlement. No client can be bound to a settlement without their consent. Each client has the right to accept or deny any settlement offer and have their day in court.
Is it a lot of work for me if I decide to file a lawsuit?
No. The hardest part is to make the initial decision to file a lawsuit. After that, we make every attempt to make this process as easy as possible.
Pleural Meso
Pleural mesothelioma is a rare cancer. This affects the cancer pleural sac that surrounds the lungs and is governed by exposure to asbestos. The pleural sac contains the lungs and also a small membrane called mesothelium. The mesothelium secretes a liquid with which the lungs to contract and breathing during the widen. The inhalation of asbestos causes a build of asbestos fibers in the lungs. Given the microscopic size and sharpness of these fibres, it is possible for them to penetrate the walls of the lungs and enter the pleural cavity. Since these fibers travel from the lungs into the pleural cavity, the sharp lines and mutilate shred the mesothelium possibly destroying it and causing cancer.
Since the asbestos fibers in the pleural cavity, can develop cancerous tumors, and the thick pleural fluid and harms proper lung movement. The tumors can also constrict the lungs, and press the ribcage or other organs, terrible pain. Because the lungs are responsible for re-election oxygenating the blood, cancer cells can move to other parts of the body by the bloodstream.
It is still unclear, scientists and doctors, why asbestos fibers cause the mesothelium to mutate into cancer. However, more and more asbestos cases are reported, doctors are learning more about this devastating condition. Some believe that only a single fiber, the events that lead to mesothelioma. Despite the fact that there is no cure for mesothelioma, early detection can help doctors to patients the opportunity to relieve suffering and possibly extend the life of the patient.
Since the asbestos fibers in the pleural cavity, can develop cancerous tumors, and the thick pleural fluid and harms proper lung movement. The tumors can also constrict the lungs, and press the ribcage or other organs, terrible pain. Because the lungs are responsible for re-election oxygenating the blood, cancer cells can move to other parts of the body by the bloodstream.
It is still unclear, scientists and doctors, why asbestos fibers cause the mesothelium to mutate into cancer. However, more and more asbestos cases are reported, doctors are learning more about this devastating condition. Some believe that only a single fiber, the events that lead to mesothelioma. Despite the fact that there is no cure for mesothelioma, early detection can help doctors to patients the opportunity to relieve suffering and possibly extend the life of the patient.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Some asbestos containing products
Asbestos is a natural mineral that was mined by itself or within other ores extensively up until its federal ban in approximately 1980. Several everyday products contained asbestos because of its insulation qualities. However, its uses were not just limited to insulation itself and could be found in anything from clothing to roofing shingles.
The Environmental Protection Agency considers any product containing 1% or more asbestos to be asbestos-containing. A great deal many products fall under this classification. Because of its insulation qualities asbestos was used widely in products that required resistance to temperature transfer or heat containment. For this reason a great deal of home and construction products contained asbestos. Asbestos was banned because of its dangers to human health and because these products were so varied there are a large number of people who may have been affected by asbestos. Some of the products known to have contained asbestos are listed below.
General Products:
Agricultural Filler
ASB Weatherproof Jackets
Asbestos Canvas
Asbestos Cord
Asbestos Curtains
Asbestos Felt
Asbestos Gloves
Asbestos Mineral Wool
Asbestos Packing
Asbestos Pads
Baby Powder
Electrical Cloth
Electrical Panel Partition
Elevator Brake Shoes
Emulsion Adhesive
Fire Blankets
Fire Curtains
Fire Doors
Fire Dampers
Fireproofing Materials
Fume Hoods
Glassblowers Mits
Attic Insulation
Cigarrette Filters
Cooling Towers
Corrugated Paper
Crock Pots
Decorative Plaster
Duct Tape
Hair Dryers
Iron Rests
Laboratory Gloves
Laboratory Hoods
Marine Panels
Metal Mesh Blankets
Packing Materials
Popcorn Poppers
Potting Mixures
Rope Packing
Sheet Packing
Sheet Rope
Silicate Calsilite
Stove Mats
T-Bar Ceiling Tiles
Textile Cloths
Textile Garments
Thermal Paper Products
Vinyl Wallpaper
HiTemp Products:
HiTemp Blocks
HiTemp Boards
HiTemp Insulation Cement
HiTemp Pipe Covering
Gold Bond Products:
Gold Bond Adhesive
Gold Bond Asbestos Paper
Gold Bond Asbestos Sheets
Gold Bond Cement
Gold Bond Perfo-Lyte
Gold Bond Plaster
Gold Bond Spackle Plaster
Other Gold Bond Tar Paper
Other Gold Bond Products
Construction Products:
Acoustic Finishes
Acoustical Plaster
Air Cell Pipe Covering
Asbestos Flatboard
Asbestos Lap
Asbestos Micarta
Asbestos Millboard
Asbestos Panels
Base Flashing
Blown-In Insulation
Boiler Insulation
Boiler Wall Coat
Bonding Cement
Breaching Insulation
Brick and Block Mortar
Calcium Silicate Insulation
Ceiling Tiles
Cork Board
Cork Covering
Cork Filled Mastic
Construction Mastics
Dry Mix Joint Compound
Ductwork Connectors
Duplex Blox
Duplex Pipe Covering
Electric Wiring Insulation
Expansion Joint
Firefoil Board
Firefoil Panel
Flex Board
Flexible Duct Connectors
Flooring Backing
Gunning Mix
Heat Guards
Heating Ducts
HVAC Duct Insulation
Insulating Mix
Insulation Coating
Insulation Duct
Insulation Jacketing
Insulation Seal
Joint Compound
Lagging Adhesive
Lagging Cloth
Lagging Tape
Machine Room Ceilings
Machine Room Floors
Machine Room Walls
Machine Room Ducts
Navy Sealer
Patching Fiber
Patching Plaster
Pipe Covering
Pipe Insulation
Roofing Shingles
Roofing Felt
Spackle Plaster
Spackling Compounds
Sponge Blocks
Spray Fireproofing
Spray-Applied Insulation
Stone Corrugated Sheets
Stone Sheathing
Taping Compounds
Textured Coatings
Textured Paints
Thermal Spray
Troweled Coatings
Vermiculite Compounds
Vinyl Floor Tiles
Welding Blankets
Welding Rods
Wood Fiber Plaster
Cement Products:
Asbestos Finishing Cement
Furnace Cement
Masonry Fill
Refractory Cement
Automotive Products:
Automotive Hoodliner
Gasket Material
Heat Seals
Valve Rings
Valve Stem Packing
Ehret Products:
Ehret Block
Ehret Fiber Felt
Ehret Pipecovering
Ehret Products
The Environmental Protection Agency considers any product containing 1% or more asbestos to be asbestos-containing. A great deal many products fall under this classification. Because of its insulation qualities asbestos was used widely in products that required resistance to temperature transfer or heat containment. For this reason a great deal of home and construction products contained asbestos. Asbestos was banned because of its dangers to human health and because these products were so varied there are a large number of people who may have been affected by asbestos. Some of the products known to have contained asbestos are listed below.
General Products:
Agricultural Filler
ASB Weatherproof Jackets
Asbestos Canvas
Asbestos Cord
Asbestos Curtains
Asbestos Felt
Asbestos Gloves
Asbestos Mineral Wool
Asbestos Packing
Asbestos Pads
Baby Powder
Electrical Cloth
Electrical Panel Partition
Elevator Brake Shoes
Emulsion Adhesive
Fire Blankets
Fire Curtains
Fire Doors
Fire Dampers
Fireproofing Materials
Fume Hoods
Glassblowers Mits
Attic Insulation
Cigarrette Filters
Cooling Towers
Corrugated Paper
Crock Pots
Decorative Plaster
Duct Tape
Hair Dryers
Iron Rests
Laboratory Gloves
Laboratory Hoods
Marine Panels
Metal Mesh Blankets
Packing Materials
Popcorn Poppers
Potting Mixures
Rope Packing
Sheet Packing
Sheet Rope
Silicate Calsilite
Stove Mats
T-Bar Ceiling Tiles
Textile Cloths
Textile Garments
Thermal Paper Products
Vinyl Wallpaper
HiTemp Products:
HiTemp Blocks
HiTemp Boards
HiTemp Insulation Cement
HiTemp Pipe Covering
Gold Bond Products:
Gold Bond Adhesive
Gold Bond Asbestos Paper
Gold Bond Asbestos Sheets
Gold Bond Cement
Gold Bond Perfo-Lyte
Gold Bond Plaster
Gold Bond Spackle Plaster
Other Gold Bond Tar Paper
Other Gold Bond Products
Construction Products:
Acoustic Finishes
Acoustical Plaster
Air Cell Pipe Covering
Asbestos Flatboard
Asbestos Lap
Asbestos Micarta
Asbestos Millboard
Asbestos Panels
Base Flashing
Blown-In Insulation
Boiler Insulation
Boiler Wall Coat
Bonding Cement
Breaching Insulation
Brick and Block Mortar
Calcium Silicate Insulation
Ceiling Tiles
Cork Board
Cork Covering
Cork Filled Mastic
Construction Mastics
Dry Mix Joint Compound
Ductwork Connectors
Duplex Blox
Duplex Pipe Covering
Electric Wiring Insulation
Expansion Joint
Firefoil Board
Firefoil Panel
Flex Board
Flexible Duct Connectors
Flooring Backing
Gunning Mix
Heat Guards
Heating Ducts
HVAC Duct Insulation
Insulating Mix
Insulation Coating
Insulation Duct
Insulation Jacketing
Insulation Seal
Joint Compound
Lagging Adhesive
Lagging Cloth
Lagging Tape
Machine Room Ceilings
Machine Room Floors
Machine Room Walls
Machine Room Ducts
Navy Sealer
Patching Fiber
Patching Plaster
Pipe Covering
Pipe Insulation
Roofing Shingles
Roofing Felt
Spackle Plaster
Spackling Compounds
Sponge Blocks
Spray Fireproofing
Spray-Applied Insulation
Stone Corrugated Sheets
Stone Sheathing
Taping Compounds
Textured Coatings
Textured Paints
Thermal Spray
Troweled Coatings
Vermiculite Compounds
Vinyl Floor Tiles
Welding Blankets
Welding Rods
Wood Fiber Plaster
Cement Products:
Asbestos Finishing Cement
Furnace Cement
Masonry Fill
Refractory Cement
Automotive Products:
Automotive Hoodliner
Gasket Material
Heat Seals
Valve Rings
Valve Stem Packing
Ehret Products:
Ehret Block
Ehret Fiber Felt
Ehret Pipecovering
Ehret Products
A Study
In one study at the University of Chicago, 60 pleural mesothelioma patients were treated with Gemzar® alone in three clinical trials, and the positive response rates were 0%, 7%, and 31% (Semin Oncol. 2002 Feb; 29(1): 70–6). In another study, mesothelioma patients treated with Gemzar® plus cisplatin achieved positive responses of 48%. Patients did not undergo surgery in either of these studies.
Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of both Gemzar® and ALIMTA®, is currently conducting a clinical trial for pleural mesothelioma patients, who will be treated with a combination of both these drugs. ALIMTA® works by blocking the enzymes necessary for cancer cells to synthesize thymidine and purine. The study will consider the safety and side effects of the Gemzar®/ALIMTA® combination as well as its effects on survival rates, tumor reduction, and quality of life. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved the combination of ALIMTA® and cisplatin to treat advanced cases of pleural mesothelioma in which surgery is not an option (see FDA Approves Sales of Mesothelioma Drug ALIMTA®).
For more details about chemotherapy and other mesothelioma treatment choices, see Treatment Options. For information about your legal rights concerning mesothelioma, please feel free to contact us at Brayton Purcell. We have been handling cases involving mesothelioma and asbestos exposure for over 20 years and can provide support, information, and excellent advocacy.
Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of both Gemzar® and ALIMTA®, is currently conducting a clinical trial for pleural mesothelioma patients, who will be treated with a combination of both these drugs. ALIMTA® works by blocking the enzymes necessary for cancer cells to synthesize thymidine and purine. The study will consider the safety and side effects of the Gemzar®/ALIMTA® combination as well as its effects on survival rates, tumor reduction, and quality of life. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved the combination of ALIMTA® and cisplatin to treat advanced cases of pleural mesothelioma in which surgery is not an option (see FDA Approves Sales of Mesothelioma Drug ALIMTA®).
For more details about chemotherapy and other mesothelioma treatment choices, see Treatment Options. For information about your legal rights concerning mesothelioma, please feel free to contact us at Brayton Purcell. We have been handling cases involving mesothelioma and asbestos exposure for over 20 years and can provide support, information, and excellent advocacy.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Biological Therapies
Biological therapies can be defined as a targeted therapy used to attack a particular protein, enzyme or other cellular component or an approach using inhibitors (i.e. anti-angiogenesis), monoclonal antibodies or other substances. Also included in this category are the use of analogues of natural substances (such as a vitamin). Radio-immunotherapy therapy, photodynamic therapy, and thermal therapies can also classified under this heading. Some of these approaches have been tried in treating mesothelioma.
Analogue a substance derived from the modification or alteration of the chemical structure of another substance while retaining a similar pharmacological effect.
Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels from preexisting vasculature.
Anti-angiogenesis is the process of stopping the formation of new blood vessels.
Enzyme is a complex polymer of biological origin (usually a protein) that acts as a catalyst in one or more chemical reactions. A catalyst is any substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being changed by the reaction.
Hyperthermia is defined as an abnormally high body temperature.
Monoclonal Antibody (MAb) is a specific antibody produced in large quantity by the clones of a single hybrid cell formed in the laboratory by the fusion of a B cell with a tumor cell. The resulting hybrid cell, or hybridoma, multiplies rapidly, creating a clone that produces large quantities of the antibody.
Radioimmunotherapy is where radioactive substances are attached to a monoclonal antibody.
Photodynamic Therapy a technique that uses non-thermal lasers to activate light-sensitive drugs.
Analogue a substance derived from the modification or alteration of the chemical structure of another substance while retaining a similar pharmacological effect.
Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels from preexisting vasculature.
Anti-angiogenesis is the process of stopping the formation of new blood vessels.
Enzyme is a complex polymer of biological origin (usually a protein) that acts as a catalyst in one or more chemical reactions. A catalyst is any substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being changed by the reaction.
Hyperthermia is defined as an abnormally high body temperature.
Monoclonal Antibody (MAb) is a specific antibody produced in large quantity by the clones of a single hybrid cell formed in the laboratory by the fusion of a B cell with a tumor cell. The resulting hybrid cell, or hybridoma, multiplies rapidly, creating a clone that produces large quantities of the antibody.
Radioimmunotherapy is where radioactive substances are attached to a monoclonal antibody.
Photodynamic Therapy a technique that uses non-thermal lasers to activate light-sensitive drugs.
Immunotherapies include vaccine therapy (i.e. autologous vaccines - vaccines made from the patient) or a treatment that includes an immune cytokine. These treatments typically attempt to stimulate an immune response in the patient's body to fight the cancer. Several of these approaches have been tried in treating mesothelioma.
Autologous Vaccine is created when proteins from the patient's tumor cells are made into a vaccine that is designed to cause the patient's body to make antibodies against the tumor.
Immune Cytokine is a protein that is used by various white blood cells to communicate with each other. For example, some cytokines are used to promote inflammation near an infection.
Immune Response is how the body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful.
Immune System is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. The cells that are part of this defense system are white blood cells or leukocytes. There are two basic types of leukocytes: (1) the phagocytes that consume invading organisms such as bacteria (the most common type is the neutrophil); (2) the lymphocytes that allow the body to remember and recognize previous invaders. There are two kinds of lymphocytes: B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.
These are summaries of results of clinical trials that have been made available by Cancer Monthly: The Source for Cancer Treatment Results. The source data are the clinical results reported in the medical literature. To learn more about these treatments click on the icon under "More Information." This will open a new window that will contain the study's abstract. Print out the abstract and share it with your doctor. Your doctor can help you determine if a particular treatment is right for you. For more information about toxicity grades see below. For more treatment results for mesothelioma and many other cancers visit Cancer Monthly.
Autologous Vaccine is created when proteins from the patient's tumor cells are made into a vaccine that is designed to cause the patient's body to make antibodies against the tumor.
Immune Cytokine is a protein that is used by various white blood cells to communicate with each other. For example, some cytokines are used to promote inflammation near an infection.
Immune Response is how the body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful.
Immune System is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. The cells that are part of this defense system are white blood cells or leukocytes. There are two basic types of leukocytes: (1) the phagocytes that consume invading organisms such as bacteria (the most common type is the neutrophil); (2) the lymphocytes that allow the body to remember and recognize previous invaders. There are two kinds of lymphocytes: B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.
These are summaries of results of clinical trials that have been made available by Cancer Monthly: The Source for Cancer Treatment Results. The source data are the clinical results reported in the medical literature. To learn more about these treatments click on the icon under "More Information." This will open a new window that will contain the study's abstract. Print out the abstract and share it with your doctor. Your doctor can help you determine if a particular treatment is right for you. For more information about toxicity grades see below. For more treatment results for mesothelioma and many other cancers visit Cancer Monthly.
Mesothelioma treatment using Egg cells
Mesothelioma is a highly aggressive cancer due to asbestos exposure. Once asbestos particles inhaled, they embedded in the lining of lungs and cause malignant diseases like mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. There are several treatment methodologies for mesothelioma viz. surgery, chemotherapy and radiological techniques are available. Recently, Researchers, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical companies and Universities are involved with the new scientific investigations into asbestos and related cancer in an effort to develop novel and potentially curative cancer treatments.
An innovative treatment method is discovered by the Scientists from the United States and United Kingdom called amphinase which cause the tumors to die. Amphinase has shown the best results in treating brain tumors. A synthetic version of a molecule found in the egg cells of the Northern leopard frog may provide the world with the first drug treatment for various malignant tumors. The Northern leopard frog is a species of leopard frog that is native to certain regions of the United States and Canada. Amphinase is the second anti-tumor drug to be isolated by Alfacell Corporation from the Northern leopard frog. The other drug, ONCONASE (R) (ranpirnase) is currently in a late-stage clinical trial as a potential treatment for malignant mesothelioma.
The drug's key researcher, Professor Ravi Acharya, Department of Biology and Biochemistry claims that amphinase is highly specific in recognizing and destroying cancer and tumor cells.
An innovative treatment method is discovered by the Scientists from the United States and United Kingdom called amphinase which cause the tumors to die. Amphinase has shown the best results in treating brain tumors. A synthetic version of a molecule found in the egg cells of the Northern leopard frog may provide the world with the first drug treatment for various malignant tumors. The Northern leopard frog is a species of leopard frog that is native to certain regions of the United States and Canada. Amphinase is the second anti-tumor drug to be isolated by Alfacell Corporation from the Northern leopard frog. The other drug, ONCONASE (R) (ranpirnase) is currently in a late-stage clinical trial as a potential treatment for malignant mesothelioma.
The drug's key researcher, Professor Ravi Acharya, Department of Biology and Biochemistry claims that amphinase is highly specific in recognizing and destroying cancer and tumor cells.
Hazardous Job and Workplaces
It is exposure to asbestos dust or fibers that causes mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma can result from very small fibers or dust particles at low exposure levels. Most exposure would likely have occurred before 1973, but it can take up to 40 years for most lung cancer to develop.
Most patients have had contact with asbestos fibers on the job, or as it is also called occupational exposure. You should know that there is also risks to the family members of those that work in at-risk occupations. This exposure is called paraoccupational exposure and of course people have been less aware that they are in any danger. In the same way, those who live near work sites likely to have asbestos around the facility are also at risk. Oil refineries, power plants, steel mills, factories, shipyards, and building demolition are types of work sites that can release asbestos fibers into the environment and contaminate any neighborhood that is in the area.
Trades and Jobs:
Asbestos product manufacturing (insulation, roofing, building, materials)
Automotive repair (brakes & clutches)
Offshore rust removals
Oil refineries
Power plants
Sand or abrasive manufacturers
Shipyards / ships / ship builders
Steel mills
Tile cutters
Auto Mechanics
Boiler makers
Building Inspectors
Floor Coverings
Furnace Workers
Hod carriers
Iron workers
Maintenance workers
Merchant marines
Operating Engineers
Sand blasters
Sheet metal workers
Steam fitters
Tile setters
U.S. Navy veterans
There are many occupations that have an increased risk for developing lung cancer from asbestos. Take for example asbestos insulation workers have 92 times the risk of developing of lung cancer, and iron smelter workers have 3-8 times the risk of developing this lung cancer. The lung cancer risk is also greater in those who have worked in the manufacturing of certain industrial gases, inorganic pigments, plastics, pharmaceuticals, soaps, detergents, paints, and synthetic rubber. This risk of developing lung cancer is related to the amount of exposure to the cancer-causing agent. Just as with the risk of lung cancer in humans is proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked.
And the risk of developing lung cancer is 8-20 times greater in tobacco smokers compared to those who have never smoked at all. There is a smaller, but real risk that exists for cigar and pipe smokers. Some lung cancer causing agents will react together to significantly worsen the risk of developing cancer. Any exposure to both asbestos and tobacco smoke clearly multiplies the risk of developing lung cancer and the risk of lung cancer is greater for those living in urban areas. This risk is approximately 1.2 to 2.3 times that of people living in rural areas. There is also an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers whose close relatives have had lung cancer. Finally, scarring in the lungs from previous infections or injury can be associated with and increased risk of cancer.
Most patients have had contact with asbestos fibers on the job, or as it is also called occupational exposure. You should know that there is also risks to the family members of those that work in at-risk occupations. This exposure is called paraoccupational exposure and of course people have been less aware that they are in any danger. In the same way, those who live near work sites likely to have asbestos around the facility are also at risk. Oil refineries, power plants, steel mills, factories, shipyards, and building demolition are types of work sites that can release asbestos fibers into the environment and contaminate any neighborhood that is in the area.
Trades and Jobs:
Asbestos product manufacturing (insulation, roofing, building, materials)
Automotive repair (brakes & clutches)
Offshore rust removals
Oil refineries
Power plants
Sand or abrasive manufacturers
Shipyards / ships / ship builders
Steel mills
Tile cutters
Auto Mechanics
Boiler makers
Building Inspectors
Floor Coverings
Furnace Workers
Hod carriers
Iron workers
Maintenance workers
Merchant marines
Operating Engineers
Sand blasters
Sheet metal workers
Steam fitters
Tile setters
U.S. Navy veterans
There are many occupations that have an increased risk for developing lung cancer from asbestos. Take for example asbestos insulation workers have 92 times the risk of developing of lung cancer, and iron smelter workers have 3-8 times the risk of developing this lung cancer. The lung cancer risk is also greater in those who have worked in the manufacturing of certain industrial gases, inorganic pigments, plastics, pharmaceuticals, soaps, detergents, paints, and synthetic rubber. This risk of developing lung cancer is related to the amount of exposure to the cancer-causing agent. Just as with the risk of lung cancer in humans is proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked.
And the risk of developing lung cancer is 8-20 times greater in tobacco smokers compared to those who have never smoked at all. There is a smaller, but real risk that exists for cigar and pipe smokers. Some lung cancer causing agents will react together to significantly worsen the risk of developing cancer. Any exposure to both asbestos and tobacco smoke clearly multiplies the risk of developing lung cancer and the risk of lung cancer is greater for those living in urban areas. This risk is approximately 1.2 to 2.3 times that of people living in rural areas. There is also an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers whose close relatives have had lung cancer. Finally, scarring in the lungs from previous infections or injury can be associated with and increased risk of cancer.
It’s hard to take the news of Mesothelioma, lung cancer, caused by excessive asbestos exposure and know that when you have any questions you can contact Meosthelioma attorney...
Mesothelioma #1,Tumor Pop As the word "asbestos" stands for inextinguishable property, the word "mesothelioma" specifically means tumor.
Mesothelioma Cancer Settlements
Information on mesothelioma cancer and how to get a good settlement. The mesothelioma compensation can be achieved.
Lung Cancer Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Pleural is a bad disease that can lead to death, the disease is very dangerous and only happens if someone familiar with asbestos materials. These materials were in the business of transformation and construction in the past. Most cases, admissions to the United States, the victims were working in production and manufacture of construction products such as cement.
Some 2008 World Asbestos Statistics
Asbestos is deadly chemical, and it is still used in the United States. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has successfully done its part to reduce asbestos use and consumption, the presence of some asbestos in the United States is, as of now, inevitable.
Asbestos Cancer - What is It?
Asbestos cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos, which are fibrous minerals. For a long time it was considered safe. But it is a carcinogen and being around it causes lung cancer and colorectal cancer amongst others.
Mesothelioma #1,Tumor Pop As the word "asbestos" stands for inextinguishable property, the word "mesothelioma" specifically means tumor.
Mesothelioma Cancer Settlements
Information on mesothelioma cancer and how to get a good settlement. The mesothelioma compensation can be achieved.
Lung Cancer Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Pleural is a bad disease that can lead to death, the disease is very dangerous and only happens if someone familiar with asbestos materials. These materials were in the business of transformation and construction in the past. Most cases, admissions to the United States, the victims were working in production and manufacture of construction products such as cement.
Some 2008 World Asbestos Statistics
Asbestos is deadly chemical, and it is still used in the United States. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has successfully done its part to reduce asbestos use and consumption, the presence of some asbestos in the United States is, as of now, inevitable.
Asbestos Cancer - What is It?
Asbestos cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos, which are fibrous minerals. For a long time it was considered safe. But it is a carcinogen and being around it causes lung cancer and colorectal cancer amongst others.
A Guide about Mesothelioma is a site designed for those who are afflicted and those who’s loved one may be diagnosed with mesothelioma. The aim is to provide information that will best help someone help the one who is diagnosed with this deadly disease. Mesothelioma is a fatal cancer disease, it is best to know and understand what it is so that you may better act upon it. Ignorance is an obstacle to actions.
This site provides sections that are designed to provide you with up to date information on mesothelioma. Mesothelioma-Healing also has sections that discusses the relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos and current research on mesothelioma.
This website also provides legal information that helps those who may be seeking compensation and reimbursement of expensive medical expenses that may go along with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is often causes by gross negligence by company who deals with asbestos. By checking out the legal information section, you will find information on how to receive awards for gross negligence.
We also provide news on and about mesothelioma. Along with the news, we include information on the diseases, politic views, and links to other website and online resources that can give you additional information on the deadly disease, mesothelioma. Not only that, we also provide information on how you can recruit an attorney or a lawyer to help you with mesothelioma case.
When you are there with your doctor, here are the following questions to ask your doctor to help you prepare for life with mesothelioma, and help you move forward with your life.
This site provides sections that are designed to provide you with up to date information on mesothelioma. Mesothelioma-Healing also has sections that discusses the relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos and current research on mesothelioma.
This website also provides legal information that helps those who may be seeking compensation and reimbursement of expensive medical expenses that may go along with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is often causes by gross negligence by company who deals with asbestos. By checking out the legal information section, you will find information on how to receive awards for gross negligence.
We also provide news on and about mesothelioma. Along with the news, we include information on the diseases, politic views, and links to other website and online resources that can give you additional information on the deadly disease, mesothelioma. Not only that, we also provide information on how you can recruit an attorney or a lawyer to help you with mesothelioma case.
When you are there with your doctor, here are the following questions to ask your doctor to help you prepare for life with mesothelioma, and help you move forward with your life.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Mesothelioma Case
Your Mesothelioma case is important to you. You have been robbed of years of your life because of someone’s negligence. The question is what are you going to do about it? Mesothelioma is a serious disease. Mesothelioma is caused from exposure to asbestos materials. Often times, Mesothelioma takes decades for this disease to come to the surface. When it is noticed, Mesothelioma is often in its last stages, beyond medical treatment. What does this mean to you, the injured? What does it mean for your family as well? Mesothelioma is also reason to look into litigation.
There are many websites out there that will tell you about Mesothelioma, its causes and its treatments. What about the suffering that it causes? What about the years it takes off someone’s life? This is where Mesothelioma laws come into play. Every state has very stringent laws regarding asbestos material. Although it has been banned from use for many years, it is often found and people are exposed to it in older buildings. Most of the time it is not known to be there but, every state also has laws regarding proper care of asbestos material and precautions regarding its removal in order to prevent Mesothelioma. That is because of how serious a disease Mesothelioma is.
If you are one of the people who have been exposed to asbestos and are now dealing with Mesothelioma, you should know that you may have a lawsuit claim. Now, perhaps you feel it is no ones fault. Or, perhaps it was so long ago that you just don’t want to dig it back up. The bottom line is this. If you were exposed to asbestos and it leads to Mesothelioma, you may have a case to help with your care, your family’s care, and even your medical bills. Mesothelioma is quite serious and someone should have to help with all of this, right?
To begin your search for information on Mesothelioma laws in your state, you can look on websites like . You can also look to that site for more information on finding a Mesothelioma lawyers. Your Mesothelioma attorneys will help you decide if and when you should pursue a Mesothelioma case. Find out what the laws in your area are regarding Mesothelioma. Find out if you have a Mesothelioma case.
There are many websites out there that will tell you about Mesothelioma, its causes and its treatments. What about the suffering that it causes? What about the years it takes off someone’s life? This is where Mesothelioma laws come into play. Every state has very stringent laws regarding asbestos material. Although it has been banned from use for many years, it is often found and people are exposed to it in older buildings. Most of the time it is not known to be there but, every state also has laws regarding proper care of asbestos material and precautions regarding its removal in order to prevent Mesothelioma. That is because of how serious a disease Mesothelioma is.
If you are one of the people who have been exposed to asbestos and are now dealing with Mesothelioma, you should know that you may have a lawsuit claim. Now, perhaps you feel it is no ones fault. Or, perhaps it was so long ago that you just don’t want to dig it back up. The bottom line is this. If you were exposed to asbestos and it leads to Mesothelioma, you may have a case to help with your care, your family’s care, and even your medical bills. Mesothelioma is quite serious and someone should have to help with all of this, right?
To begin your search for information on Mesothelioma laws in your state, you can look on websites like . You can also look to that site for more information on finding a Mesothelioma lawyers. Your Mesothelioma attorneys will help you decide if and when you should pursue a Mesothelioma case. Find out what the laws in your area are regarding Mesothelioma. Find out if you have a Mesothelioma case.
Take Steps Your Legal Rights
The story of mesothelioma is a sad one. It’s the story of good men and women who were just going to work, doing their jobs and trusting their employers to provide a safe work place. It’s a story of a trust broken. At Brown and Crouppen, we take on mesothelioma cases. Our team of attorneys helps people get the compensation they deserve, and we go above and beyond the scope of traditional legal counsel to make sure our clients have tough, aggressive representation. When you choose us to handle your mesothelioma case, our entire team becomes fully committed to your cause. We’ll find answers and hold negligent companies responsible. Our team has strong, experienced lawyers with a lot of manpower behind us. Beginning with our research specialists, to our medical professionals, investigators and economists, our team is on your side, creating a strong case for you.
Just like any other disease, the symptoms of mesothelioma vary from case to case and with the severity of the illness. The type of mesotelioma - whether pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial - also determines what the symptoms might be. Often times, the general overall health of the individual, as well as his/her age, may also play a role in how the patient is affected by the disease and which symptoms are most bothersome.One of the most difficult problems with diagnosing mesotelioma and connecting the symptoms with the disease is the fact that so many of the symptoms - both individually and in tandem - can easily be mistaken for other more common diseases like flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, heart disease, and others. A doctor well versed in mesotelioma treatment will take time to investigate a patient’s history and hopefully connect past exposure to asbestos with the symptoms. Patients, however, can do their part as well. Anyone that was ever exposed to asbestos, even if it was decades ago, should inform their doctor of the exposure. That information will not only aid the doctor in diagnosis but will also help eliminate the need for many costly and uncomfortable tests that may be ordered while fishing for a diagnosis. Tests are being developed that will help diagnose mesotelioma at an earlier stage, even before the most common symptoms appear. It is hoped that these tests will aid in treating the disease before it reaches its most advanced stages.
Some Methods
Traditional methods of containing and curing mesothelioma are not proving to be very effective, and has lead to a host of alternative treatments for mesothelioma. These are methods that are not subscribed to by physicians / surgeons because most of them do not have a scientific base. Usually patients use alternative treatment methods in combination with traditional methods to improve the chance of recovery and increase survival time. Alternative treatments could cost a lot. Before opting for a particular type of alternative treatment, find out if insurance will cover this treatment. If it does, good. If not, go in for alternative treatments such as meditation, yoga, or specialized breathing techniques that once learned will help you get better, at the same time not burden you financially.
Alternative treatments include any treatments which the medical community deems as outside the acceptable or “traditional” treatments for the disease. Even though such treatments are not endorsed by most doctors, many mesothelioma patients have found them to be effective in combating symptoms of the disease. They’ll treat the patient not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Because they are considered “alternative” or “unconventional” and are generally not approved by doctors for the treatment of the disease, these therapies are usually not covered by most medical insurance policies.
Some types of alternative medicine have been practiced for generations, and for many illnesses there is an effective alternative treatment. However, no alternative treatments have been shown to inhibit or cure mesothelioma.
Sometimes alternative medicine refers to systems of medicine or specific treatments that are not generally used or approved by medical doctors (MDs) or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Please be careful when considering any alternative treatment.
Don’t Stop Conventional Mesothelioma Treatment. Many of those practicing alternative treatments will make you believe that they can cure you of the dreaded cancer without the need for conventional treatment. Most of these claims are not true and could end in disaster, since time is of essence in any treatment.
Alternative treatments include any treatments which the medical community deems as outside the acceptable or “traditional” treatments for the disease. Even though such treatments are not endorsed by most doctors, many mesothelioma patients have found them to be effective in combating symptoms of the disease. They’ll treat the patient not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Because they are considered “alternative” or “unconventional” and are generally not approved by doctors for the treatment of the disease, these therapies are usually not covered by most medical insurance policies.
Some types of alternative medicine have been practiced for generations, and for many illnesses there is an effective alternative treatment. However, no alternative treatments have been shown to inhibit or cure mesothelioma.
Sometimes alternative medicine refers to systems of medicine or specific treatments that are not generally used or approved by medical doctors (MDs) or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Please be careful when considering any alternative treatment.
Don’t Stop Conventional Mesothelioma Treatment. Many of those practicing alternative treatments will make you believe that they can cure you of the dreaded cancer without the need for conventional treatment. Most of these claims are not true and could end in disaster, since time is of essence in any treatment.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Drug Research For Abdominal Mesothelioma
A recent issue of the science journal Nature described a paradigm shift among lethal infections that may be "ravaging the brain" and causing the development of serious traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and traumatic brain injury side effects such as brain swelling, seizures and epilepsy.
Infections such as meningitis have been thought to cause damage to the brain, but not to the extent that an infection is actually causing, according to recent studies. Researchers tested the effects of a meningitis infection by injecting the disease into mice. They found that blood vessels begin exploding in addition to the cells that were once thought to be responsible for brain damage. Researchers are continuing to look into the effects of meningitis as a major cause of TBI, but for now have determined that new brain injury treatments are likely needed to treat meningitis-induced TBI.
What is Meningitis?
Meningitis occurs in an individual as an infection of the fluid surrounding a spinal cord and the brain. There are two common forms of meningitis that are often described in the news: bacterial meningitis and viral meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is often considered a deadly bacteria that can quickly cause brain injury and brain damage including hearing loss and learning disabilities, according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). Viral meningitis is listed as "generally less severe" and can be healed without a specific treatment, although research now describes both viral and bacterial meningitis as more harmful to the brain than once thought.
The disease is considered very contagious, although less so than the common cold or flu. Bacterial meningitis can be spread through an "exchange of respiratory and throat secretions" such as kissing, coughing or sharing drinks, food and utensils, according to the CDC.
There are vaccines against meningitis but individuals should also be aware of signs and symptoms of the condition as well, especially if they work in an office, day care, school-type environment, etc. The Meningitis Foundation of America described the following symptoms of the condition:
high temperatures
joint pain
stiff neck
sensitivity to light
infants may have a high-pitched cry, dislike being held while arching back
pale skin color
high fever
TBI Side Effects
Unfortunately there are a vast number of side effects and conditions that can develop when a patient suffers from a traumatic brain injury incident. There are treatments that are being developed and several clinical trials that are always ongoing, but much of a TBI treatment also depends on the victim and the victim’s prognosis. However, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) reports that the following conditions are common among TBI victims:
difficulty thinking, reasoning
memory problems
problems with sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing
inability to communicate, express and understand
behavioral issues, acting out
increased aggression
anxiety, depression
social inappropriateness
personality changes
stupor, coma
Living With A Brain Injury
Living with a traumatic brain injury can be a difficult scenario, for both a victim and their support group including friends and family. It is important that an individual who feels they may have suffered from a traumatic brain injury to seek a medical assessment immediately, as a brain injury can worsen if not treated properly.
Additionally, it may be necessary for a TBI victim to receive a free legal consultation from a brain injury attorney in order to develop a TBI lawsuit, which may provide an award of monetary compensation. Often, TBI treatments and medical diagnosis can be expensive, and if an individual has little to no coverage from health insurance, a brain injury could mean losing their home, job or more, which is why brain injury litigation may assist a victim in receiving treatment payment.
Infections such as meningitis have been thought to cause damage to the brain, but not to the extent that an infection is actually causing, according to recent studies. Researchers tested the effects of a meningitis infection by injecting the disease into mice. They found that blood vessels begin exploding in addition to the cells that were once thought to be responsible for brain damage. Researchers are continuing to look into the effects of meningitis as a major cause of TBI, but for now have determined that new brain injury treatments are likely needed to treat meningitis-induced TBI.
What is Meningitis?
Meningitis occurs in an individual as an infection of the fluid surrounding a spinal cord and the brain. There are two common forms of meningitis that are often described in the news: bacterial meningitis and viral meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is often considered a deadly bacteria that can quickly cause brain injury and brain damage including hearing loss and learning disabilities, according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). Viral meningitis is listed as "generally less severe" and can be healed without a specific treatment, although research now describes both viral and bacterial meningitis as more harmful to the brain than once thought.
The disease is considered very contagious, although less so than the common cold or flu. Bacterial meningitis can be spread through an "exchange of respiratory and throat secretions" such as kissing, coughing or sharing drinks, food and utensils, according to the CDC.
There are vaccines against meningitis but individuals should also be aware of signs and symptoms of the condition as well, especially if they work in an office, day care, school-type environment, etc. The Meningitis Foundation of America described the following symptoms of the condition:
high temperatures
joint pain
stiff neck
sensitivity to light
infants may have a high-pitched cry, dislike being held while arching back
pale skin color
high fever
TBI Side Effects
Unfortunately there are a vast number of side effects and conditions that can develop when a patient suffers from a traumatic brain injury incident. There are treatments that are being developed and several clinical trials that are always ongoing, but much of a TBI treatment also depends on the victim and the victim’s prognosis. However, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) reports that the following conditions are common among TBI victims:
difficulty thinking, reasoning
memory problems
problems with sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing
inability to communicate, express and understand
behavioral issues, acting out
increased aggression
anxiety, depression
social inappropriateness
personality changes
stupor, coma
Living With A Brain Injury
Living with a traumatic brain injury can be a difficult scenario, for both a victim and their support group including friends and family. It is important that an individual who feels they may have suffered from a traumatic brain injury to seek a medical assessment immediately, as a brain injury can worsen if not treated properly.
Additionally, it may be necessary for a TBI victim to receive a free legal consultation from a brain injury attorney in order to develop a TBI lawsuit, which may provide an award of monetary compensation. Often, TBI treatments and medical diagnosis can be expensive, and if an individual has little to no coverage from health insurance, a brain injury could mean losing their home, job or more, which is why brain injury litigation may assist a victim in receiving treatment payment.
Mesotheliomas are rare neoplasms that originate from ectodermal cells that line the body cavities.
Mesotheliomas usually occur in older dogs, with an average onset at 8 years of age. However, documented cases of mesothelioma have been reported in patients from as young as 7 weeks to as old as 15 years.2-4 Extremely early age of onset (7 weeks old) suggests that congenital mesothelioma may occur infrequently in the dog.1 Bouvier des Flandres, Irish Setters, and German Shepherd Dogs appear to be at greater risk for tumor development,2 and mesotheliomas are more common in male than in female dogs.
Unfortunately, just as your dog or cat can bring unwanted fleas and other critters into the house, pets can carry asbestos too. They do so by transporting dust or dirt on their fur or feet if they spend time in places that have high levels of asbestos in the air and surrounding environment.
Tragically, a dog was reportedly the first animal to make asbestos and mesothelioma dangers known in 1931 to researchers before they became aware of its toxic effects upon humans.
Was Your Dog Exposed To Asbestos? Does It Have Mesothelioma?
Asbestos is a highly toxic and dangerous source of indoor air pollution. It is a recognized human carcinogen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Unfortunately, just as your dog or cat can bring unwanted fleas and other critters into the house, pets can carry asbestos too. They do so by transporting dust or dirt on their fur or feet if they spend time in places that have high levels of asbestos in the air and surrounding environment.
According to the CDC´s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, asbestos exposure usually occurs by breathing contaminated air in workplaces that make or use asbestos. But it can also present in the air of buildings with asbestos that are being torn down or renovated
Complications from asbestos exposure can include two types of cancer: lung cancer and mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the thin lining surrounding the lung (pleural membrane) or abdominal cavity (the peritoneum).
Mesotheliomas usually occur in older dogs, with an average onset at 8 years of age. However, documented cases of mesothelioma have been reported in patients from as young as 7 weeks to as old as 15 years.2-4 Extremely early age of onset (7 weeks old) suggests that congenital mesothelioma may occur infrequently in the dog.1 Bouvier des Flandres, Irish Setters, and German Shepherd Dogs appear to be at greater risk for tumor development,2 and mesotheliomas are more common in male than in female dogs.
Unfortunately, just as your dog or cat can bring unwanted fleas and other critters into the house, pets can carry asbestos too. They do so by transporting dust or dirt on their fur or feet if they spend time in places that have high levels of asbestos in the air and surrounding environment.
Tragically, a dog was reportedly the first animal to make asbestos and mesothelioma dangers known in 1931 to researchers before they became aware of its toxic effects upon humans.
Was Your Dog Exposed To Asbestos? Does It Have Mesothelioma?
Asbestos is a highly toxic and dangerous source of indoor air pollution. It is a recognized human carcinogen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Unfortunately, just as your dog or cat can bring unwanted fleas and other critters into the house, pets can carry asbestos too. They do so by transporting dust or dirt on their fur or feet if they spend time in places that have high levels of asbestos in the air and surrounding environment.
According to the CDC´s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, asbestos exposure usually occurs by breathing contaminated air in workplaces that make or use asbestos. But it can also present in the air of buildings with asbestos that are being torn down or renovated
Complications from asbestos exposure can include two types of cancer: lung cancer and mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the thin lining surrounding the lung (pleural membrane) or abdominal cavity (the peritoneum).
Mesothelioma Rare But Serious
Malignant mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the lining of the lung (pleural mesothelioma) or the lining of the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma). The only known cause of mesothelioma in the U.S. is exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma has a long latency period, the time between first exposure to asbestos and the diagnosis of the disease. In rare cases the latency period has been as short as 10 to 15 years after the first exposure to asbestos; however, generally mesothelioma occurs between 20 and 40 or more years after an individual's first exposure. Diagnosing mesothelioma is often difficult, because the symptoms are similar to those of a number of other conditions.
Benign mesothelioma is a non-cancerous tumor of the pleura (lining of the lung and chest cavity). Nonmalignant mesothelioma is usually a localized tumor that affects men more frequently than women. The tumor may grow to a large size and compress the lung, which then causes the following symptoms: chronic cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, weight loss and cachexia, abdominal swelling and pain due to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity).
Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face. These symptoms may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious conditions.
Approximately half of mesothelioma patients are asymptomatic (show no symptoms of disease). During a physical examination, a health care provider may notice a clubbed appearance of the fingers in a patient, which is an indication of the exposure/disease.The health care professional may run tests that identify mesothelioma. These tests include a chest x-ray, CT scan of the chest and/or and open lung biopsy.
There is no universally accepted protocol for screening people who have been exposed to asbestos. However some research indicates that serum osteopontin levels might be useful in screeningasbestos-exposed people for mesothelioma. The level of soluble mesothelin-related protein is elevated in the serum of about 75% of patients at diagnosis, and it has been suggested that assessing soluble mesothelin-related protein levels may be useful for screening.
Surgery is usually generally necessary for a solitary tumor (if found); however, according to current statistics, the outcome of the surgery is expected to be good with prompt treatment. One of the most common complications though is pleural effusion (fluid escaping into the membranes around the lungs), which can be very serious.
Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways, such as by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos, or by home renovation using asbestos cement products.
Benign mesothelioma is a non-cancerous tumor of the pleura (lining of the lung and chest cavity). Nonmalignant mesothelioma is usually a localized tumor that affects men more frequently than women. The tumor may grow to a large size and compress the lung, which then causes the following symptoms: chronic cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, weight loss and cachexia, abdominal swelling and pain due to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity).
Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face. These symptoms may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious conditions.
Approximately half of mesothelioma patients are asymptomatic (show no symptoms of disease). During a physical examination, a health care provider may notice a clubbed appearance of the fingers in a patient, which is an indication of the exposure/disease.The health care professional may run tests that identify mesothelioma. These tests include a chest x-ray, CT scan of the chest and/or and open lung biopsy.
There is no universally accepted protocol for screening people who have been exposed to asbestos. However some research indicates that serum osteopontin levels might be useful in screeningasbestos-exposed people for mesothelioma. The level of soluble mesothelin-related protein is elevated in the serum of about 75% of patients at diagnosis, and it has been suggested that assessing soluble mesothelin-related protein levels may be useful for screening.
Surgery is usually generally necessary for a solitary tumor (if found); however, according to current statistics, the outcome of the surgery is expected to be good with prompt treatment. One of the most common complications though is pleural effusion (fluid escaping into the membranes around the lungs), which can be very serious.
Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways, such as by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos, or by home renovation using asbestos cement products.
German MesotheliomaTreatment
Two years ago, Debbi Brewer from Plymouth in South West England was told she had mesothelioma. The lethal disease came as a consequence of hugging her father when she was a child. Her father who died from mesothelioma in the same year Debbi's illness was diagnosed, worked at Devonport Dockyard for the Ministry of Defence.
Having seen the suffering of her father, Debbi decided to try out a pioneering treatment in Germany and, since the treatment begun, has seen her cancer go into remission. She had her $7,000 a-time treatment, known as chemoembolisation, at the University Clinic in Frankfurt.
The treatment, which is usually used to fight liver cancer, involves inserting a catheter into the lung to administer drugs directly to the tumor Debbi has been told that her tumor is now less than half its original size and that it will not return.A German clinic recently began offering a new treatment for mesothelioma cancer patients known as chemoembolization. The treatment has been successful in only one patient -- a woman who developed mesothelioma after hugging her father when he returned home from working with asbestos fibers, which is linked to the development of the condition.
According to BBC News reports, following the treatment, the woman's tumor not only reduced by more than half, but her cancer went into remission as well.
The method of chemoembolization uses chemotherapy drugs delivered into the "site of a cancer tumor" and "since the chemotherapy drugs are delivered into the tumor, stronger doses of the drugs may be used," according to research from the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. For mesothelioma cancer patients, a catheter into the lungs may potentially be used to deliver the drugs to the cancer site. Because of the success of the treatment, research is continuing, according to news reports.
Developing Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma occurs when mesothelioma of the chest develops. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), "the pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity." Mesothelioma occurs in general when cancer cells metastasize within the mesothelium, which is "a membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body," reports the NCI.
Signs and symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include the following, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS):
* pain in the side of the chest
* pain in the lower back
* trouble swallowing
* cough
* fever
* sweating
* fatigue
* weight loss
* hoarseness
* coughing up blood
* swelling in the face, arms
* muscle weakness
* sensory loss
Often symptoms occur within two to three months prior to an initial diagnosis, according to the ACS. The symptoms of early mesothelioma are often unrecognizable as they remain dormant for years and, frequently, decades.
There are several tests that are used to identify and determine whether a victim has mesothelioma and if they have pleural mesothelioma. The ACS reported the following blood tests, fluid and tissue tests, and imaging tests as ways to pinpoint their condition:
* chest x-rays
* computed tomography scan
* positron emission tomography scan
* magnetic resonance imaging scan
* osteopontin protein blood tests
* thoracoscopy
* tissue biopsy
* laparoscopy
* thoracotomy
* laparotomy
* bronchoscopy
* mediastinoscopy
* immunohistochemistry
* DNA microarray analysis
What to Do Following a Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Once a mesothelioma diagnosis has occurred, there are several actions that can be taken to potentially treat the deadly condition. However, treatments are often not successful and the diagnosis of mesothelioma can be difficult to maintain. The NCI sponsors clinical trials, which can assist individuals with their mesothelioma diagnosis by offering potentially new mesothelioma treatments that can be administered and studied.
Having seen the suffering of her father, Debbi decided to try out a pioneering treatment in Germany and, since the treatment begun, has seen her cancer go into remission. She had her $7,000 a-time treatment, known as chemoembolisation, at the University Clinic in Frankfurt.
The treatment, which is usually used to fight liver cancer, involves inserting a catheter into the lung to administer drugs directly to the tumor Debbi has been told that her tumor is now less than half its original size and that it will not return.A German clinic recently began offering a new treatment for mesothelioma cancer patients known as chemoembolization. The treatment has been successful in only one patient -- a woman who developed mesothelioma after hugging her father when he returned home from working with asbestos fibers, which is linked to the development of the condition.
According to BBC News reports, following the treatment, the woman's tumor not only reduced by more than half, but her cancer went into remission as well.
The method of chemoembolization uses chemotherapy drugs delivered into the "site of a cancer tumor" and "since the chemotherapy drugs are delivered into the tumor, stronger doses of the drugs may be used," according to research from the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. For mesothelioma cancer patients, a catheter into the lungs may potentially be used to deliver the drugs to the cancer site. Because of the success of the treatment, research is continuing, according to news reports.
Developing Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma occurs when mesothelioma of the chest develops. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), "the pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity." Mesothelioma occurs in general when cancer cells metastasize within the mesothelium, which is "a membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body," reports the NCI.
Signs and symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include the following, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS):
* pain in the side of the chest
* pain in the lower back
* trouble swallowing
* cough
* fever
* sweating
* fatigue
* weight loss
* hoarseness
* coughing up blood
* swelling in the face, arms
* muscle weakness
* sensory loss
Often symptoms occur within two to three months prior to an initial diagnosis, according to the ACS. The symptoms of early mesothelioma are often unrecognizable as they remain dormant for years and, frequently, decades.
There are several tests that are used to identify and determine whether a victim has mesothelioma and if they have pleural mesothelioma. The ACS reported the following blood tests, fluid and tissue tests, and imaging tests as ways to pinpoint their condition:
* chest x-rays
* computed tomography scan
* positron emission tomography scan
* magnetic resonance imaging scan
* osteopontin protein blood tests
* thoracoscopy
* tissue biopsy
* laparoscopy
* thoracotomy
* laparotomy
* bronchoscopy
* mediastinoscopy
* immunohistochemistry
* DNA microarray analysis
What to Do Following a Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Once a mesothelioma diagnosis has occurred, there are several actions that can be taken to potentially treat the deadly condition. However, treatments are often not successful and the diagnosis of mesothelioma can be difficult to maintain. The NCI sponsors clinical trials, which can assist individuals with their mesothelioma diagnosis by offering potentially new mesothelioma treatments that can be administered and studied.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
MALCS was set up over 6 years ago, to recruit mesothelioma and primary resected lung cancer patients from across the UK, and we have obtained MREC approval to continue recruiting patients until 2015.
We aim to identify the occupations and work practices currently conferring the highest risk of mesothelioma through telephone interviews with patients.
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all those individuals and centres who have been recruiting patients for us over the years and encourage you to continue. We would also be delighted to hear from new centres able to recruit patients for us. We are actively seeking to recruit all female mesothelioma patients (of any age) and male mesothelioma patients aged under 60. In addition, we are seeking to recruit male resected lung cancer patients born after 1940. Data from the first 624 mesothelioma patients and 425 resected lung cancer patients interviewed and are just about to be published and anyone on our mailing list will receive an outline of these results.
The Inhaled Particles Study (TIPS) is closed to recruitment of new centres as we have enough centres currently participating.
TIPS was set up to evaluate the risk of mesothelioma to much younger (construction and other) workers. This study will also determine any possible risks from current environmental or DIY asbestos exposures.
If you would like to help us with MALCS and you see mesothelioma patients or resected lung cancer patients, we would be delighted to hear from you.
We aim to identify the occupations and work practices currently conferring the highest risk of mesothelioma through telephone interviews with patients.
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all those individuals and centres who have been recruiting patients for us over the years and encourage you to continue. We would also be delighted to hear from new centres able to recruit patients for us. We are actively seeking to recruit all female mesothelioma patients (of any age) and male mesothelioma patients aged under 60. In addition, we are seeking to recruit male resected lung cancer patients born after 1940. Data from the first 624 mesothelioma patients and 425 resected lung cancer patients interviewed and are just about to be published and anyone on our mailing list will receive an outline of these results.
The Inhaled Particles Study (TIPS) is closed to recruitment of new centres as we have enough centres currently participating.
TIPS was set up to evaluate the risk of mesothelioma to much younger (construction and other) workers. This study will also determine any possible risks from current environmental or DIY asbestos exposures.
If you would like to help us with MALCS and you see mesothelioma patients or resected lung cancer patients, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Legal Advice
Although the risks of asbestos exposure and its relation to Mesothelioma have been known since the late 1950s and 1960s* asbestos was still widely used in many industries until the late 1970s, and later to a lesser extent. Unfortunately, despite the apparent dangers some employers did not provide adequate protection or take measures to prevent exposure.
The following is a list of occupations known to have put workers at risk of asbestos exposure. The list is not complete and final and you may have worked in a different occupation and experienced exposure to asbestos.
• Carpenters and Joiners
• Boiler, Pipe and Heating Workers
• Shipbuilding/Shipyard Workers
• Navy Seamen
• Dockworkers
• Laggers and Sprayers
• Mechanics
• Plumbers and Gasfitters
• Roofers
• Construction and Demolition Workers
• Painters and Decorators
• Electricians
• Railway Workers and Coach Construction
• Engineers
• Power Station Workers
• Laboratory and Research
• Asbestos Manufacture and Sales
Exposure was not limited to those who worked directly with asbestos. Mesothelioma can develop following para-occupational exposure. This means asbestos being taken outside the workplace and perhaps into the home on the work clothes of someone working with it, or following environmental exposure, for example, living near an asbestos factory.
The following is a list of occupations known to have put workers at risk of asbestos exposure. The list is not complete and final and you may have worked in a different occupation and experienced exposure to asbestos.
• Carpenters and Joiners
• Boiler, Pipe and Heating Workers
• Shipbuilding/Shipyard Workers
• Navy Seamen
• Dockworkers
• Laggers and Sprayers
• Mechanics
• Plumbers and Gasfitters
• Roofers
• Construction and Demolition Workers
• Painters and Decorators
• Electricians
• Railway Workers and Coach Construction
• Engineers
• Power Station Workers
• Laboratory and Research
• Asbestos Manufacture and Sales
Exposure was not limited to those who worked directly with asbestos. Mesothelioma can develop following para-occupational exposure. This means asbestos being taken outside the workplace and perhaps into the home on the work clothes of someone working with it, or following environmental exposure, for example, living near an asbestos factory.
Self Techiniques
Breathing is often easier if the person sits up and leans forward with their arms supported, for example on a table.
Standing and leaning forward can also help.
Sitting at a table with head resting on pillows or forearms or standing upright, hips and back leaning against a wall may also help.
A fan may also help by blowing cool air onto the face. Similarly sitting by an open window often helps.
The use of oxygen is not usually required unless specifically recommended by a doctor. In the majority of cases a flow of cool air works just as well.
Breathing control techniques can help patients to regain a sense of mastery over distressing shortness of breath. These simple techniques can be taught by physiotherapists, some Macmillan or lung cancer nurses, palliative medicine or hospice teams or through ‘Breathe Easy’ groups run by the British Lung Foundation.
Breathlessness can make people anxious. If anxiety is severe it can make the breathlessness worse. In addition to learning breathing control, a light sedative available such as lorazepam or diazepam may help. Relieving anxiety also helps to relieve muscular tension in the chest wall which affects breathing.
Relaxation exercises, self-hypnosis or visualisation are techniques that can also help patients deal with breathlessness – they are often taught by complementary therapists and advice can be obtained from Macmillan nurses, palliative care teams or hospices.
Standing and leaning forward can also help.
Sitting at a table with head resting on pillows or forearms or standing upright, hips and back leaning against a wall may also help.
A fan may also help by blowing cool air onto the face. Similarly sitting by an open window often helps.
The use of oxygen is not usually required unless specifically recommended by a doctor. In the majority of cases a flow of cool air works just as well.
Breathing control techniques can help patients to regain a sense of mastery over distressing shortness of breath. These simple techniques can be taught by physiotherapists, some Macmillan or lung cancer nurses, palliative medicine or hospice teams or through ‘Breathe Easy’ groups run by the British Lung Foundation.
Breathlessness can make people anxious. If anxiety is severe it can make the breathlessness worse. In addition to learning breathing control, a light sedative available such as lorazepam or diazepam may help. Relieving anxiety also helps to relieve muscular tension in the chest wall which affects breathing.
Relaxation exercises, self-hypnosis or visualisation are techniques that can also help patients deal with breathlessness – they are often taught by complementary therapists and advice can be obtained from Macmillan nurses, palliative care teams or hospices.
Legal Assistance
Most mesothelioma lawsuits can be divided into 2 categories - one is where the person suffering from mesothelioma is living (a personal injury case) and in the second is where the person with mesothelioma cancer has died (wrongful death case), and the plaintiff is a spouse, relative and/or representative of the deceased person's estate. In cases where the person who would normally be the plaintiff is deceased, an alternate individual (usually the spouse or a close relative) will stand in as the plaintiff, and the injuries that are claimed include the loss of life itself. The most important part of a wrongful death case is locating persons who worked with the plaintiff to provide testimony that the deceased individual would have provided regarding work history and asbestos exposure.
If you or a person that you love has recently been diagnosed with Mesothelioma lung cancer, please call our office today for a free confidential consultation no matter where you live. Our staff will gladly help you understand the critical medical and legal issues surrounding mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment, and financial recovery. Because of the very aggressive nature of mesothelioma as a disease, it is important that the patient and his or her family move very quickly to document the facts and circumstances particular to the individual’s exposure to asbestos. This also includes gathering all information on work history, the types and brands of asbestos products encountered in ones past, as well as the different work locations where exposure may have occurred and names of any co-workers. Can assist you in this important research by providing access to asbestos documents, catalogs, and advertisements (dating from 1940 to 1970). These resources and images are often crucial in jogging the memory and aiding in the proper identification of products that were worked with or around. We able to work with local mesothelioma attorneys in any state where you might be, there is never any need to travel or inconvenience the mesothelioma patient and his or her family in any way. If a patient with mesothelioma hires our firm, a complete investigative procedure is immediately initiated and this professional documentation will speed this process along so that we may quickly determine the appropriate course of legal action. With almost all of our mesothelioma patients, a lawsuit must be filed immediately in order to obtain sworn statements of work history, evidence of exposure, product identification, and the client’s physical and mental condition. In the case where a diagnosed client is unable to come to our offices, depositions (interviews) may be conducted at their home, hospital, or any other location which is comfortable and convenient to the client. If a deposition is not possible due to the progressed stage of the disease, other methods of obtaining the required proof of exposure and resultant illness will be pursued with the assistance of the client’s closest relatives.
If you or a person that you love has recently been diagnosed with Mesothelioma lung cancer, please call our office today for a free confidential consultation no matter where you live. Our staff will gladly help you understand the critical medical and legal issues surrounding mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment, and financial recovery. Because of the very aggressive nature of mesothelioma as a disease, it is important that the patient and his or her family move very quickly to document the facts and circumstances particular to the individual’s exposure to asbestos. This also includes gathering all information on work history, the types and brands of asbestos products encountered in ones past, as well as the different work locations where exposure may have occurred and names of any co-workers. Can assist you in this important research by providing access to asbestos documents, catalogs, and advertisements (dating from 1940 to 1970). These resources and images are often crucial in jogging the memory and aiding in the proper identification of products that were worked with or around. We able to work with local mesothelioma attorneys in any state where you might be, there is never any need to travel or inconvenience the mesothelioma patient and his or her family in any way. If a patient with mesothelioma hires our firm, a complete investigative procedure is immediately initiated and this professional documentation will speed this process along so that we may quickly determine the appropriate course of legal action. With almost all of our mesothelioma patients, a lawsuit must be filed immediately in order to obtain sworn statements of work history, evidence of exposure, product identification, and the client’s physical and mental condition. In the case where a diagnosed client is unable to come to our offices, depositions (interviews) may be conducted at their home, hospital, or any other location which is comfortable and convenient to the client. If a deposition is not possible due to the progressed stage of the disease, other methods of obtaining the required proof of exposure and resultant illness will be pursued with the assistance of the client’s closest relatives.
This section describes symptoms that may be experienced by people with Mesothelioma. It will include how these symptoms can be managed, based on medical evidence wherever possible. With care, much can be done to lessen the impact of most symptoms. In complex cases this requires the involvement of a variety of professionals - the multidisciplinary approach - such as doctors from palliative medicine and pain specialists, oncologists (cancer specialists), specialist nurses, physiotherapists, complementary therapists, psychologists and others. UK trade names for medicines are placed in brackets when used.
This section does not contain an exhaustive list of symptoms that may occur in mesothelioma. If you are concerned about any symptoms do go and discuss them with your GP, Macmillan nurse or hospital consultant and ask for specialist referral if the problems persist.
This section does not contain an exhaustive list of symptoms that may occur in mesothelioma. If you are concerned about any symptoms do go and discuss them with your GP, Macmillan nurse or hospital consultant and ask for specialist referral if the problems persist.
Diagnosing Mesothelioma is often difficult, because the symptoms are similar to those of a number of other conditions. Diagnosis begins with a review of the patient's medical history, including any history of asbestos exposure. A complete physical examination may be performed, including x-rays of the chest or abdomen and lung function tests. A CT (or CAT) scan or an MRI may also be useful. A CT scan is a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body created by a computer linked to an x-ray machine. In an MRI, a powerful magnet linked to a computer is used to make detailed pictures of areas inside the body. These pictures are viewed on a monitor and can also be printed.
A biopsy is needed to confirm a diagnosis of Mesothelioma. In a biopsy, a surgeon or a medical oncologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer) removes a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope by a pathologist. A biopsy may be done in different ways, depending on where the abnormal area is located. If the cancer is in the chest, the doctor may perform a thoracoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a small cut through the chest wall and puts a thin, lighted tube called a thoracoscope into the chest between two ribs.
Thoracoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the chest and obtain tissue samples. If the cancer is in the abdomen, the doctor may perform a peritoneoscopy. To obtain tissue for examination, the doctor makes a small opening in the abdomen and inserts a special instrument called a peritoneoscope into the abdominal cavity. If these procedures do not yield enough tissue, more extensive diagnostic surgery may be necessary.
If the diagnosis is Mesothelioma, the doctor will want to learn the stage (or extent) of the disease. Staging involves more tests in a careful attempt to find out whether the cancer has spread and, if so, to which parts of the body. Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor plan treatment.
Mesothelioma is described as localized if the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated. It is classified as advanced if it has spread beyond the original membrane surface to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.
A biopsy is needed to confirm a diagnosis of Mesothelioma. In a biopsy, a surgeon or a medical oncologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer) removes a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope by a pathologist. A biopsy may be done in different ways, depending on where the abnormal area is located. If the cancer is in the chest, the doctor may perform a thoracoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a small cut through the chest wall and puts a thin, lighted tube called a thoracoscope into the chest between two ribs.
Thoracoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the chest and obtain tissue samples. If the cancer is in the abdomen, the doctor may perform a peritoneoscopy. To obtain tissue for examination, the doctor makes a small opening in the abdomen and inserts a special instrument called a peritoneoscope into the abdominal cavity. If these procedures do not yield enough tissue, more extensive diagnostic surgery may be necessary.
If the diagnosis is Mesothelioma, the doctor will want to learn the stage (or extent) of the disease. Staging involves more tests in a careful attempt to find out whether the cancer has spread and, if so, to which parts of the body. Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor plan treatment.
Mesothelioma is described as localized if the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated. It is classified as advanced if it has spread beyond the original membrane surface to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.
The mesothelium has different names, depending on its location in the body.
The peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity.
The pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity.
The pericardium covers and protects the heart.
The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis.
The peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity.
The pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity.
The pericardium covers and protects the heart.
The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis.
Plumber using asbestos
There are a number of standard products that plumbers use on a routine basis. Many of these products contained asbestos which increased their risk of exposure to asbestos dust and on the job for developing pleural mesothelioma later on in life. Provided below is a representative cross-section of products that plumbers typically used that may have contained asbestos.
Aircell - corrugated asbestos paper, looks comparably like gray cardboard (Trade names: Asbestocel and Carcycel, among others). This product is usually high in concentration, anywhere between 50 - 90% asbestos. It was also wrapped around air supply ducts.
Block Insulation - a combination of asbestos with other binders that was then hardened to create blocks for insulation. The outside surface was commonly covered with cloth made from canvas or tar paper, but it was occasionally used without any covering at all.
The following are types of block insulation commonly used by plumbers:
Amosite Sheeting: amosite (a type of asbestos) that was processed and covered with felt that was mainly used for pipe insulation.
Carbonate of Magnesia: asbestos combined with magnesium carbonate.
Diatomaceous Earth with Asbestos Fiber: a combination of diatomaceous silica (the remains of microscopic diatoms) and asbestos fiber that could withstand temperatures up to 1900° Fahrenheit.
Hydrous Calcium Silicate: known as 'Calsil', made primarily of lime and silica but with a small amount of asbestos that was included for mechanical purposes.
Joint/Elbow Fillers: also called 'insulation cement' or 'insulation mud' made up of asbestos combined with bonding clays. This product was often poured into inaccessible spaces or used to seal pipe joints or elbows.
Laminated Asbestos Felt: known as 'asbestos sponge felt', made with asbestos and magnesia.
Aircell - corrugated asbestos paper, looks comparably like gray cardboard (Trade names: Asbestocel and Carcycel, among others). This product is usually high in concentration, anywhere between 50 - 90% asbestos. It was also wrapped around air supply ducts.
Block Insulation - a combination of asbestos with other binders that was then hardened to create blocks for insulation. The outside surface was commonly covered with cloth made from canvas or tar paper, but it was occasionally used without any covering at all.
The following are types of block insulation commonly used by plumbers:
Amosite Sheeting: amosite (a type of asbestos) that was processed and covered with felt that was mainly used for pipe insulation.
Carbonate of Magnesia: asbestos combined with magnesium carbonate.
Diatomaceous Earth with Asbestos Fiber: a combination of diatomaceous silica (the remains of microscopic diatoms) and asbestos fiber that could withstand temperatures up to 1900° Fahrenheit.
Hydrous Calcium Silicate: known as 'Calsil', made primarily of lime and silica but with a small amount of asbestos that was included for mechanical purposes.
Joint/Elbow Fillers: also called 'insulation cement' or 'insulation mud' made up of asbestos combined with bonding clays. This product was often poured into inaccessible spaces or used to seal pipe joints or elbows.
Laminated Asbestos Felt: known as 'asbestos sponge felt', made with asbestos and magnesia.
History of the Plumbing Trade
Plumbing is a subset of a larger group of construction trades that also includes pipelaying, pipefitting, and steamfitting. Plumbers are responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing water, waste and gas pipe systems on residential and/or small commercial properties. Pipefitters work primarily on large commercial sites and steamfitters specialize in pipes that transport highly pressurized substances. Though the history of plumbing dates back to Ancient Times, it wasn't until the mid-1800's that somewhat effective plumbing systems were developed and employed in the United States. Early pipes were made of wood until the nineteenth century, when a change was made to iron. Indoor plumbing made its first known stateside appearance in luxury hotels, and Boston's Tremont Hotel led the way in 1829. Five years later, pioneering architect Isaiah Rogers brought an improvement to his initial design at New York's Astor House. Until more sanitary sewer systems were constructed in the 1840's, many people in the USA thought bathing to be a health hazard. Ever the trendsetter, Benjamin Franklin is said to have imported America's first bathtub. The first of many plumbing companies still in business today appeared in the 1890's with businesses such as American Radiator (which then became American Standard), The Kohler Company, and Crane Corporation. And from the late 1920's to the early 1950's, the plumbing trade really began to flourish, as sales of plumbing supplies increased by a staggering 367 percent.
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