Thursday, April 9, 2009


How does asbestos exposure occur?

When asbestos containing products are cut, sawed, or sanded tiny fibers are released into the air. People who were in the vicinity of where these actions took place, breathed these fibers.

Who is responsible for my asbestos injury?

Every company that manufactured an asbestos product that you were exposed to is potentially responsible for your asbestos injury. Even if you do not know the names of the manufacturers of asbestos products that you were exposed to, we can probably identify the products that you were exposed to based on the job sites where you worked.

When does a person have an asbestos related lawsuit?

If diagnosed with mesothelioma a person does have an asbestos related lawsuit. Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of this disease.

If diagnosed with lung cancer and exposed to asbestos, the lung cancer was probably caused in part by asbestos.

How much will it cost me to bring a lawsuit?

It will cost you nothing. The Murray Law Firm works on a contingent fee basis; therefore the lawsuit costs nothing to a client unless money is recovered on behalf of the client.

Will I be responsible for expenses even if I do not receive any money?

No. Expenses are included in the costs to bring a lawsuit. If you do not receive any money, you are not responsible for the expenses incurred to bring that lawsuit.

What if I do receive money? Will expenses take away a large portion of that money?

No. The Murray Law Firm has been working in this area for many years, so our expenses are low.

What if I donĂ¯¿½t want to settle because I think the value is too low or I want my day in court?

You do not have to agree to the settlement. No client can be bound to a settlement without their consent. Each client has the right to accept or deny any settlement offer and have their day in court.

Is it a lot of work for me if I decide to file a lawsuit?

No. The hardest part is to make the initial decision to file a lawsuit. After that, we make every attempt to make this process as easy as possible.

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