Thursday, January 8, 2009

Legal Assistance

Most mesothelioma lawsuits can be divided into 2 categories - one is where the person suffering from mesothelioma is living (a personal injury case) and in the second is where the person with mesothelioma cancer has died (wrongful death case), and the plaintiff is a spouse, relative and/or representative of the deceased person's estate. In cases where the person who would normally be the plaintiff is deceased, an alternate individual (usually the spouse or a close relative) will stand in as the plaintiff, and the injuries that are claimed include the loss of life itself. The most important part of a wrongful death case is locating persons who worked with the plaintiff to provide testimony that the deceased individual would have provided regarding work history and asbestos exposure.

If you or a person that you love has recently been diagnosed with Mesothelioma lung cancer, please call our office today for a free confidential consultation no matter where you live. Our staff will gladly help you understand the critical medical and legal issues surrounding mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment, and financial recovery. Because of the very aggressive nature of mesothelioma as a disease, it is important that the patient and his or her family move very quickly to document the facts and circumstances particular to the individual’s exposure to asbestos. This also includes gathering all information on work history, the types and brands of asbestos products encountered in ones past, as well as the different work locations where exposure may have occurred and names of any co-workers. Can assist you in this important research by providing access to asbestos documents, catalogs, and advertisements (dating from 1940 to 1970). These resources and images are often crucial in jogging the memory and aiding in the proper identification of products that were worked with or around. We able to work with local mesothelioma attorneys in any state where you might be, there is never any need to travel or inconvenience the mesothelioma patient and his or her family in any way. If a patient with mesothelioma hires our firm, a complete investigative procedure is immediately initiated and this professional documentation will speed this process along so that we may quickly determine the appropriate course of legal action. With almost all of our mesothelioma patients, a lawsuit must be filed immediately in order to obtain sworn statements of work history, evidence of exposure, product identification, and the client’s physical and mental condition. In the case where a diagnosed client is unable to come to our offices, depositions (interviews) may be conducted at their home, hospital, or any other location which is comfortable and convenient to the client. If a deposition is not possible due to the progressed stage of the disease, other methods of obtaining the required proof of exposure and resultant illness will be pursued with the assistance of the client’s closest relatives.

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