Sunday, April 6, 2008

Asbestos Contractors Back Awareness Campaign

Britain’s leading asbestos association is standing behind the Housing and Safety Executive’s (HSE) efforts to teach young tradesman about the dangers of the toxic mineral, promoting the HSE’s latest video, Asbestos: The Hidden Killer, and offering other options to education these young workers about the health hazards associated with asbestos exposure.

According to a press release, the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA) will be promoting specific asbestos awareness training courses throughout the United Kingdom.

“The courses are aimed at those trades who come into contact with asbestos during their daily work activity such as plumbers and electricians,” says the press release. “The asbestos awareness courses are tailored to each specific trade and will enable individuals to take the appropriate action should they encounter materials which they suspect to be asbestos.”

The asbestos awareness course offered by ARCA will be comprised of five core modules: 1) What is asbestos?; 2) the health effects of asbestos; 3) asbestos in buildings; 4) Legislation (industry and trade specific); and 5) the asbestos removal process. The aim of the course is to lessen exposure and hopefully prevent further deaths from asbestos exposure, especially in the plumbing and electrical trades. The HSE reports that in the UK, approximately 20 tradespeople per week die of asbestos diseases. They expect the number to grow.

“We fully support the HSE’s campaign to highlight the dangers of asbestos in the workplace, we hope that by offering tradesmen the opportunity to learn about the precautions they need to make, it will result in a better understanding and awareness of the dangers of asbestos and in the long run reduce the number of deaths due to asbestos exposure,” said Satish Patel, ARCA’s training manager.

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