Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some asbestos containing products

Asbestos is a natural mineral that was mined by itself or within other ores extensively up until its federal ban in approximately 1980. Several everyday products contained asbestos because of its insulation qualities. However, its uses were not just limited to insulation itself and could be found in anything from clothing to roofing shingles.

The Environmental Protection Agency considers any product containing 1% or more asbestos to be asbestos-containing. A great deal many products fall under this classification. Because of its insulation qualities asbestos was used widely in products that required resistance to temperature transfer or heat containment. For this reason a great deal of home and construction products contained asbestos. Asbestos was banned because of its dangers to human health and because these products were so varied there are a large number of people who may have been affected by asbestos. Some of the products known to have contained asbestos are listed below.
General Products:
Agricultural Filler
ASB Weatherproof Jackets
Asbestos Canvas
Asbestos Cord
Asbestos Curtains
Asbestos Felt
Asbestos Gloves
Asbestos Mineral Wool
Asbestos Packing
Asbestos Pads
Baby Powder
Electrical Cloth
Electrical Panel Partition
Elevator Brake Shoes
Emulsion Adhesive
Fire Blankets
Fire Curtains
Fire Doors
Fire Dampers
Fireproofing Materials
Fume Hoods
Glassblowers Mits
Attic Insulation
Cigarrette Filters
Cooling Towers
Corrugated Paper
Crock Pots
Decorative Plaster
Duct Tape
Hair Dryers
Iron Rests
Laboratory Gloves
Laboratory Hoods
Marine Panels
Metal Mesh Blankets
Packing Materials
Popcorn Poppers
Potting Mixures
Rope Packing
Sheet Packing
Sheet Rope
Silicate Calsilite
Stove Mats
T-Bar Ceiling Tiles
Textile Cloths
Textile Garments
Thermal Paper Products
Vinyl Wallpaper
HiTemp Products:
HiTemp Blocks
HiTemp Boards
HiTemp Insulation Cement
HiTemp Pipe Covering
Gold Bond Products:
Gold Bond Adhesive
Gold Bond Asbestos Paper
Gold Bond Asbestos Sheets
Gold Bond Cement
Gold Bond Perfo-Lyte
Gold Bond Plaster
Gold Bond Spackle Plaster
Other Gold Bond Tar Paper
Other Gold Bond Products
Construction Products:
Acoustic Finishes
Acoustical Plaster
Air Cell Pipe Covering
Asbestos Flatboard
Asbestos Lap
Asbestos Micarta
Asbestos Millboard
Asbestos Panels
Base Flashing
Blown-In Insulation
Boiler Insulation
Boiler Wall Coat
Bonding Cement
Breaching Insulation
Brick and Block Mortar
Calcium Silicate Insulation
Ceiling Tiles
Cork Board
Cork Covering
Cork Filled Mastic
Construction Mastics
Dry Mix Joint Compound
Ductwork Connectors
Duplex Blox
Duplex Pipe Covering
Electric Wiring Insulation
Expansion Joint
Firefoil Board
Firefoil Panel
Flex Board
Flexible Duct Connectors
Flooring Backing
Gunning Mix
Heat Guards
Heating Ducts
HVAC Duct Insulation
Insulating Mix
Insulation Coating
Insulation Duct
Insulation Jacketing
Insulation Seal
Joint Compound
Lagging Adhesive
Lagging Cloth
Lagging Tape
Machine Room Ceilings
Machine Room Floors
Machine Room Walls
Machine Room Ducts
Navy Sealer
Patching Fiber
Patching Plaster
Pipe Covering
Pipe Insulation
Roofing Shingles
Roofing Felt
Spackle Plaster
Spackling Compounds
Sponge Blocks
Spray Fireproofing
Spray-Applied Insulation
Stone Corrugated Sheets
Stone Sheathing
Taping Compounds
Textured Coatings
Textured Paints
Thermal Spray
Troweled Coatings
Vermiculite Compounds
Vinyl Floor Tiles
Welding Blankets
Welding Rods
Wood Fiber Plaster
Cement Products:
Asbestos Finishing Cement
Furnace Cement
Masonry Fill
Refractory Cement
Automotive Products:
Automotive Hoodliner
Gasket Material
Heat Seals
Valve Rings
Valve Stem Packing
Ehret Products:
Ehret Block
Ehret Fiber Felt
Ehret Pipecovering
Ehret Products

A Study

In one study at the University of Chicago, 60 pleural mesothelioma patients were treated with Gemzar® alone in three clinical trials, and the positive response rates were 0%, 7%, and 31% (Semin Oncol. 2002 Feb; 29(1): 70–6). In another study, mesothelioma patients treated with Gemzar® plus cisplatin achieved positive responses of 48%. Patients did not undergo surgery in either of these studies.

Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of both Gemzar® and ALIMTA®, is currently conducting a clinical trial for pleural mesothelioma patients, who will be treated with a combination of both these drugs. ALIMTA® works by blocking the enzymes necessary for cancer cells to synthesize thymidine and purine. The study will consider the safety and side effects of the Gemzar®/ALIMTA® combination as well as its effects on survival rates, tumor reduction, and quality of life. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved the combination of ALIMTA® and cisplatin to treat advanced cases of pleural mesothelioma in which surgery is not an option (see FDA Approves Sales of Mesothelioma Drug ALIMTA®).

For more details about chemotherapy and other mesothelioma treatment choices, see Treatment Options. For information about your legal rights concerning mesothelioma, please feel free to contact us at Brayton Purcell. We have been handling cases involving mesothelioma and asbestos exposure for over 20 years and can provide support, information, and excellent advocacy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Biological Therapies

Biological therapies can be defined as a targeted therapy used to attack a particular protein, enzyme or other cellular component or an approach using inhibitors (i.e. anti-angiogenesis), monoclonal antibodies or other substances. Also included in this category are the use of analogues of natural substances (such as a vitamin). Radio-immunotherapy therapy, photodynamic therapy, and thermal therapies can also classified under this heading. Some of these approaches have been tried in treating mesothelioma.
Analogue a substance derived from the modification or alteration of the chemical structure of another substance while retaining a similar pharmacological effect.

Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels from preexisting vasculature.

Anti-angiogenesis is the process of stopping the formation of new blood vessels.

Enzyme is a complex polymer of biological origin (usually a protein) that acts as a catalyst in one or more chemical reactions. A catalyst is any substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being changed by the reaction.

Hyperthermia is defined as an abnormally high body temperature.

Monoclonal Antibody (MAb) is a specific antibody produced in large quantity by the clones of a single hybrid cell formed in the laboratory by the fusion of a B cell with a tumor cell. The resulting hybrid cell, or hybridoma, multiplies rapidly, creating a clone that produces large quantities of the antibody.

Radioimmunotherapy is where radioactive substances are attached to a monoclonal antibody.

Photodynamic Therapy a technique that uses non-thermal lasers to activate light-sensitive drugs.


Immunotherapies include vaccine therapy (i.e. autologous vaccines - vaccines made from the patient) or a treatment that includes an immune cytokine. These treatments typically attempt to stimulate an immune response in the patient's body to fight the cancer. Several of these approaches have been tried in treating mesothelioma.
Autologous Vaccine is created when proteins from the patient's tumor cells are made into a vaccine that is designed to cause the patient's body to make antibodies against the tumor.

Immune Cytokine is a protein that is used by various white blood cells to communicate with each other. For example, some cytokines are used to promote inflammation near an infection.

Immune Response is how the body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful.

Immune System is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. The cells that are part of this defense system are white blood cells or leukocytes. There are two basic types of leukocytes: (1) the phagocytes that consume invading organisms such as bacteria (the most common type is the neutrophil); (2) the lymphocytes that allow the body to remember and recognize previous invaders. There are two kinds of lymphocytes: B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.
These are summaries of results of clinical trials that have been made available by Cancer Monthly: The Source for Cancer Treatment Results. The source data are the clinical results reported in the medical literature. To learn more about these treatments click on the icon under "More Information." This will open a new window that will contain the study's abstract. Print out the abstract and share it with your doctor. Your doctor can help you determine if a particular treatment is right for you. For more information about toxicity grades see below. For more treatment results for mesothelioma and many other cancers visit Cancer Monthly.

Mesothelioma treatment using Egg cells

Mesothelioma is a highly aggressive cancer due to asbestos exposure. Once asbestos particles inhaled, they embedded in the lining of lungs and cause malignant diseases like mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. There are several treatment methodologies for mesothelioma viz. surgery, chemotherapy and radiological techniques are available. Recently, Researchers, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical companies and Universities are involved with the new scientific investigations into asbestos and related cancer in an effort to develop novel and potentially curative cancer treatments.

An innovative treatment method is discovered by the Scientists from the United States and United Kingdom called amphinase which cause the tumors to die. Amphinase has shown the best results in treating brain tumors. A synthetic version of a molecule found in the egg cells of the Northern leopard frog may provide the world with the first drug treatment for various malignant tumors. The Northern leopard frog is a species of leopard frog that is native to certain regions of the United States and Canada. Amphinase is the second anti-tumor drug to be isolated by Alfacell Corporation from the Northern leopard frog. The other drug, ONCONASE (R) (ranpirnase) is currently in a late-stage clinical trial as a potential treatment for malignant mesothelioma.

The drug's key researcher, Professor Ravi Acharya, Department of Biology and Biochemistry claims that amphinase is highly specific in recognizing and destroying cancer and tumor cells.

Hazardous Job and Workplaces

It is exposure to asbestos dust or fibers that causes mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma can result from very small fibers or dust particles at low exposure levels. Most exposure would likely have occurred before 1973, but it can take up to 40 years for most lung cancer to develop.

Most patients have had contact with asbestos fibers on the job, or as it is also called occupational exposure. You should know that there is also risks to the family members of those that work in at-risk occupations. This exposure is called paraoccupational exposure and of course people have been less aware that they are in any danger. In the same way, those who live near work sites likely to have asbestos around the facility are also at risk. Oil refineries, power plants, steel mills, factories, shipyards, and building demolition are types of work sites that can release asbestos fibers into the environment and contaminate any neighborhood that is in the area.

Trades and Jobs:
Asbestos product manufacturing (insulation, roofing, building, materials)
Automotive repair (brakes & clutches)
Offshore rust removals
Oil refineries
Power plants
Sand or abrasive manufacturers
Shipyards / ships / ship builders
Steel mills
Tile cutters

Auto Mechanics
Boiler makers
Building Inspectors
Floor Coverings
Furnace Workers
Hod carriers
Iron workers
Maintenance workers
Merchant marines
Operating Engineers
Sand blasters
Sheet metal workers
Steam fitters
Tile setters
U.S. Navy veterans

There are many occupations that have an increased risk for developing lung cancer from asbestos. Take for example asbestos insulation workers have 92 times the risk of developing of lung cancer, and iron smelter workers have 3-8 times the risk of developing this lung cancer. The lung cancer risk is also greater in those who have worked in the manufacturing of certain industrial gases, inorganic pigments, plastics, pharmaceuticals, soaps, detergents, paints, and synthetic rubber. This risk of developing lung cancer is related to the amount of exposure to the cancer-causing agent. Just as with the risk of lung cancer in humans is proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked.

And the risk of developing lung cancer is 8-20 times greater in tobacco smokers compared to those who have never smoked at all. There is a smaller, but real risk that exists for cigar and pipe smokers. Some lung cancer causing agents will react together to significantly worsen the risk of developing cancer. Any exposure to both asbestos and tobacco smoke clearly multiplies the risk of developing lung cancer and the risk of lung cancer is greater for those living in urban areas. This risk is approximately 1.2 to 2.3 times that of people living in rural areas. There is also an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers whose close relatives have had lung cancer. Finally, scarring in the lungs from previous infections or injury can be associated with and increased risk of cancer.


It’s hard to take the news of Mesothelioma, lung cancer, caused by excessive asbestos exposure and know that when you have any questions you can contact Meosthelioma attorney...

Mesothelioma #1,Tumor Pop
http://knowmass.blogspot.com As the word "asbestos" stands for inextinguishable property, the word "mesothelioma" specifically means tumor.

Mesothelioma Cancer Settlements
Information on mesothelioma cancer and how to get a good settlement. The mesothelioma compensation can be achieved.

Lung Cancer Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Pleural is a bad disease that can lead to death, the disease is very dangerous and only happens if someone familiar with asbestos materials. These materials were in the business of transformation and construction in the past. Most cases, admissions to the United States, the victims were working in production and manufacture of construction products such as cement.

Some 2008 World Asbestos Statistics
Asbestos is deadly chemical, and it is still used in the United States. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has successfully done its part to reduce asbestos use and consumption, the presence of some asbestos in the United States is, as of now, inevitable.

Asbestos Cancer - What is It?
Asbestos cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos, which are fibrous minerals. For a long time it was considered safe. But it is a carcinogen and being around it causes lung cancer and colorectal cancer amongst others.

A Guide about Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma-Healing.com is a site designed for those who are afflicted and those who’s loved one may be diagnosed with mesothelioma. The aim is to provide information that will best help someone help the one who is diagnosed with this deadly disease. Mesothelioma is a fatal cancer disease, it is best to know and understand what it is so that you may better act upon it. Ignorance is an obstacle to actions.
This site provides sections that are designed to provide you with up to date information on mesothelioma. Mesothelioma-Healing also has sections that discusses the relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos and current research on mesothelioma.

This website also provides legal information that helps those who may be seeking compensation and reimbursement of expensive medical expenses that may go along with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is often causes by gross negligence by company who deals with asbestos. By checking out the legal information section, you will find information on how to receive awards for gross negligence.
We also provide news on and about mesothelioma. Along with the news, we include information on the diseases, politic views, and links to other website and online resources that can give you additional information on the deadly disease, mesothelioma. Not only that, we also provide information on how you can recruit an attorney or a lawyer to help you with mesothelioma case.
When you are there with your doctor, here are the following questions to ask your doctor to help you prepare for life with mesothelioma, and help you move forward with your life.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Mesothelioma Case

Your Mesothelioma case is important to you. You have been robbed of years of your life because of someone’s negligence. The question is what are you going to do about it? Mesothelioma is a serious disease. Mesothelioma is caused from exposure to asbestos materials. Often times, Mesothelioma takes decades for this disease to come to the surface. When it is noticed, Mesothelioma is often in its last stages, beyond medical treatment. What does this mean to you, the injured? What does it mean for your family as well? Mesothelioma is also reason to look into litigation.

There are many websites out there that will tell you about Mesothelioma, its causes and its treatments. What about the suffering that it causes? What about the years it takes off someone’s life? This is where Mesothelioma laws come into play. Every state has very stringent laws regarding asbestos material. Although it has been banned from use for many years, it is often found and people are exposed to it in older buildings. Most of the time it is not known to be there but, every state also has laws regarding proper care of asbestos material and precautions regarding its removal in order to prevent Mesothelioma. That is because of how serious a disease Mesothelioma is.

If you are one of the people who have been exposed to asbestos and are now dealing with Mesothelioma, you should know that you may have a lawsuit claim. Now, perhaps you feel it is no ones fault. Or, perhaps it was so long ago that you just don’t want to dig it back up. The bottom line is this. If you were exposed to asbestos and it leads to Mesothelioma, you may have a case to help with your care, your family’s care, and even your medical bills. Mesothelioma is quite serious and someone should have to help with all of this, right?

To begin your search for information on Mesothelioma laws in your state, you can look on websites like www.thesmartattorneys.com . You can also look to that site for more information on finding a Mesothelioma lawyers. Your Mesothelioma attorneys will help you decide if and when you should pursue a Mesothelioma case. Find out what the laws in your area are regarding Mesothelioma. Find out if you have a Mesothelioma case.

Take Steps Your Legal Rights

The story of mesothelioma is a sad one. It’s the story of good men and women who were just going to work, doing their jobs and trusting their employers to provide a safe work place. It’s a story of a trust broken. At Brown and Crouppen, we take on mesothelioma cases. Our team of attorneys helps people get the compensation they deserve, and we go above and beyond the scope of traditional legal counsel to make sure our clients have tough, aggressive representation. When you choose us to handle your mesothelioma case, our entire team becomes fully committed to your cause. We’ll find answers and hold negligent companies responsible. Our team has strong, experienced lawyers with a lot of manpower behind us. Beginning with our research specialists, to our medical professionals, investigators and economists, our team is on your side, creating a strong case for you.


Just like any other disease, the symptoms of mesothelioma vary from case to case and with the severity of the illness. The type of mesotelioma - whether pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial - also determines what the symptoms might be. Often times, the general overall health of the individual, as well as his/her age, may also play a role in how the patient is affected by the disease and which symptoms are most bothersome.One of the most difficult problems with diagnosing mesotelioma and connecting the symptoms with the disease is the fact that so many of the symptoms - both individually and in tandem - can easily be mistaken for other more common diseases like flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, heart disease, and others. A doctor well versed in mesotelioma treatment will take time to investigate a patient’s history and hopefully connect past exposure to asbestos with the symptoms. Patients, however, can do their part as well. Anyone that was ever exposed to asbestos, even if it was decades ago, should inform their doctor of the exposure. That information will not only aid the doctor in diagnosis but will also help eliminate the need for many costly and uncomfortable tests that may be ordered while fishing for a diagnosis. Tests are being developed that will help diagnose mesotelioma at an earlier stage, even before the most common symptoms appear. It is hoped that these tests will aid in treating the disease before it reaches its most advanced stages.

Some Methods

Traditional methods of containing and curing mesothelioma are not proving to be very effective, and has lead to a host of alternative treatments for mesothelioma. These are methods that are not subscribed to by physicians / surgeons because most of them do not have a scientific base. Usually patients use alternative treatment methods in combination with traditional methods to improve the chance of recovery and increase survival time. Alternative treatments could cost a lot. Before opting for a particular type of alternative treatment, find out if insurance will cover this treatment. If it does, good. If not, go in for alternative treatments such as meditation, yoga, or specialized breathing techniques that once learned will help you get better, at the same time not burden you financially.

Alternative treatments include any treatments which the medical community deems as outside the acceptable or “traditional” treatments for the disease. Even though such treatments are not endorsed by most doctors, many mesothelioma patients have found them to be effective in combating symptoms of the disease. They’ll treat the patient not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Because they are considered “alternative” or “unconventional” and are generally not approved by doctors for the treatment of the disease, these therapies are usually not covered by most medical insurance policies.

Some types of alternative medicine have been practiced for generations, and for many illnesses there is an effective alternative treatment. However, no alternative treatments have been shown to inhibit or cure mesothelioma.

Sometimes alternative medicine refers to systems of medicine or specific treatments that are not generally used or approved by medical doctors (MDs) or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Please be careful when considering any alternative treatment.

Don’t Stop Conventional Mesothelioma Treatment. Many of those practicing alternative treatments will make you believe that they can cure you of the dreaded cancer without the need for conventional treatment. Most of these claims are not true and could end in disaster, since time is of essence in any treatment.