Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mesothelioma Stages

* Stage 1a mesothelioma affects the outer layer of the pleura around the chest wall, on one side of the chest only. It may have grown in the pleural tissue covering the diaphragm

* Stage 1b mesothelioma has started to spread to the inner pleural layer (closest to the lungs), but remains on one side of the chest.

* Stage 2 mesothelioma has spread to both layers of the pleura on one side of the body, and has enlarged to form a tumour mass on the pleural tissue around the lungs, or has started to spread into the diaphragm muscle or the lung tissue

* Stage 3 mesothelioma has spread to the chest wall or the covering of the heart (pericardium), but is still potentially removable by surgery. Or it has spread to the lymph nodes on the same side of the chest

* Stage 4 mesothelioma cannot be removed by surgery because it has spread to different parts of the chest wall, or grown through the diaphragm into the peritoneum, or to the pleura on the other side of the body, or to the chest organs, or through to the inner layer of the pericardium. Or it has spread to the lymph nodes on the other side of the chest, or above the collarbone. Or has spread to other parts of the body.

Convulted Settlement

A case of mesothelioma causes a patient and his family a lot of pain and suffering but since there is no real gauge of measuring the damage done by this disease, the amount given as settlement varies from case to case and from one state to another depending upon their amendments and legislations.Starting a lawsuit is an expensive affair and it could affect the sufferer and their respective family greatly; the sufferer may be able to get assistance with the cost of the lawsuit, any medical treatment and other such expenses affecting the sufferer.

The lawsuit will work on the basis that the sufferer of mesothelioma did not know they were coming into regular and sustained contact with the asbestos. This can then lead to illness and possibly death. With their lives being cut short considerably; then the companies should compensate accordingly to this; based on lost earnings and further compensation to the family of the sufferer if they died through the condition if asbestosis. The main factor that determines the settlement money received by a patient, apart from the damage caused to them by it, is the political atmosphere and state under which the mesothelioma settlement was agreed upon.

When a lot of lawsuits were being filed In the 80’s and the 90’s the political climate in the U.S was mostly favorable to mesothelioma patients rather than the companies.Recently, however, the overall political climate has shifted. A reform bill in Georgia whereby the onus is on the plaintiff to provide all possible evidence showing that the problems was indeed causes by exposure to asbestos and another in Texas which makes neutral medical tests for asbestos related diseases obligatory can serve as examples.

The two reform bills were signed after realization that both lawyers and patients were exploiting mesothelioma lawsuits and making exaggerated claims but when it comes down to genuine cases of mesothelioma there are no problems.The settlement amount, as stated above, varies from state to state and region to region. In the south, it is estimated that most mesothelioma cases are settled for around one million. No generalizations, however, can be made on the amount of settlement money since each lawsuit is independent and the amount of settlement is dependent on the case itself.

Mesothelioma settlements can vary from anywhere between a few thousand dollars to a million. An average amount for these settlements is difficult to estimate since each case is different. There have even been cases of mass settlement where several people filed a lawsuit and ended up receiving just a few dollars each. The legitimacy of the accusations, the damage to the patient and whether or not the defendant was negligent are the three factors that help determine the final settlement amount.

The settlement could also depend, to a certain extent, on previous cases as courts have a tradition of referring to them before making their final decision.If someone finds themselves to be suffering from asbestosis or someone they know is, then they need to seek legal advice as soon as possible; time is of the essence.

Asbestos Dangers

Asbestos Dangers in Britains Buildings
Those who work in UK law, local government or the construction industry have heard of the word "Asbestos" for many years. But up until as recently as twenty years ago, most of the population of the UK did not know about the dangers and the diseases caused by asbestos. This danger from asbestos is highlighted by the fact that almost every government from around the world has regulations and laws in place against the use of asbestos in building materials.

Asbestos is a Greek word which means "inextinguishable". Asbestos is also known as "magical mineral" due to the fact that it has such a natural composition that it is considered ideal for usage in anything from tiles to rooftops to road signs. It has even be used in making the socks we wear. Up until 1980 army, navy, railway, construction, in short every possible industry used asbestos. But once its harmful effects were discovered in 1980 the usage of asbestos based materials and products was banned worldwide.

Recent statistics show that almost every building built before 1980 is most likely to be made of asbestos related products. According to the TUC, all public buildings and schools built between 1960 and 1980 most probably have asbestos in walls, boilers, and even hot pipes. Properties built since the mid-1980’s are unlikely to contain asbestos in the fabric of the building and properties built since 1990 are extremely unlikely to contain asbestos anywhere in the building.

Asbestos has previously been used in UK buildings for fireproofing, insulation, reinforcement and condensation protection. The Advisory Committee on Asbestos has released a report which states that the UK is most affected by the use of white asbestos by the name of Chrysotile. The Chrysotile imported by the UK in 1976 was utilized 40% by cement building products, 22% by reinforced and filler cements and 12% by floors and tiles.

Asbestos based items and products are no longer approved by the UK government or any other government in the world since research has highlighted its harmful effects on human health. These products are known to emit asbestos fibres which are the cause of many diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer and other diseases. These fibres are so small that they are invisible to the human eye, with some fibres being up to seven hundred times smaller than a human hair. When these asbestos fibres are released from the building material or product and become airborne into the air we breathe, they often stay suspended there for hours or even days.

When asbestos fibres are originally inhaled, they may become trapped in the lungs. Over time, the body tries to dissolve theses fibres. Unfortunately due to the nature of asbestos, the body does little to damage the fibre, but instead damages the surrounding tissue. Eventually, this damage may become so severe that the lungs cannot function.

Although the use of asbestos has been banned for many years now, asbestos related deaths still occur for up to 40 years after exposure. The symptoms of asbestos related diseases, unfortunately, do not become apparent until it is too late.

Mesothelioma Lawyers

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers many of our internal organs. In around 80% of cases people who develop mesothelioma have worked in environments where they have been exposed to asbestos particles. The tumour begins as nodules in the pleura which surround the lungs, later invading the chest wall.

If your life has been affected by mesothelioma then you may deserve compensation. Filling a lawsuit is imperative although the process can be daunting. The most important step for you to take is to first choose the correct law firm or attorney.

Selecting an experienced and competent mesothelioma lawyer can be the difference between success and failure. It is important to do this as soon as mesothelioma has been diagnosed as there maybe deadlines to meet if your case is to proceed.

In the decision making process you should contact several law firms before making your final decision. There is a wealth of information available from various public sources and you may also benefit from contacting the governing body of lawyers in your country. It is best to select a law firm or attorney that you have a good relationship with and also one that has past experience of dealing with mesothelioma cases. You will also need to find out about the fees charged by the various mesothelioma lawyers that you contact. When you have your initial consultations you should be looking to the law firm to explain how they can help you. When you make your final decision it is advisable to obtain a written agreement from the law firm regarding any fees, and also some references that you can then follow up on.

The decision making process can be a difficult one. Some questions you should think about are:

1) Did the lawyer take the time to listen carefully to me?

2) Did they seem trustworthy?

3) What courses of action are open to me and what are the implications of these?

Mesothelioma Law Firms

Mesothelioma law firms are involved to protect the rights of affected people and provide compensation accordingly. Since the outcome of asbestos exposure is a known issue at present, companies take necessary action to prevent such severe fallouts. Anyway, most law firms are still occupied in fighting for plaintiffs that were exposed to the condition. The compensation that is paid to the person depends on various factors related to the disease and the firms which expose asbestos. Once the person is confirmed to have mesothelioma, it is recommended to seek immediate legal assistance.

Mesothelioma law firms comprise of a team of specialized and experienced lawyers who represent the complainant. When considering a lawsuit, people need to find a reputed mesothelioma law firm that can represent a case well. So, you can find about mesothelioma information that concern to asbestos disease & mesothelioma patients and their families. The best services by providing you a fair compensation by recovering the lost damages for your families caused by other. Mesothelioma law firms offer you some of the best services by knowing the worth of your case and they provide the maximum compensation for the treatment expenses or information about mesothelioma medical.

Chicago Personal Injury Attorney

Asbestos is the main cause of Mesothelioma problem especially during the removal of asbestos, during renovation or demolition. Employees are also likely to be exposed during the manufacture of asbestos products and during automotive brake and clutch repair work. Asbestos is well recognized as a health hazard and is highly regulated. Find you advice from Chicago personal injury attorney, that can help your rights.

You can win the compensation claim in Illinois. Illinois workers have a powerful set of rights protecting them if they get injured. But you need to understand those rights to get the benefits you deserve. Just visit Illinois personal injury lawyers

Anyway, not only this case. You can also find the answer about workers’ compensation, protect your rights, reporting your injury, filing a claim, etc. If you are a Chicago or Illinois worker, go to Chicago personal injury attorney. They can help your injured on the job. If you covered by workers’ compensation insurance through your employer. You could know about attorney from one who is experienced with the laws surrounding injuries on the job and can best protect your right to full compensation under the Illinois law. Find the example cases and settlements from Chicago personal injury attorney.

Asbestos Attorney Texas

Why is there all this talk about asbestos lawsuits and settlements? There is a lot of asbestos talk because it has caused cancer in many workers that were unaware they were being exposed to such a poison. Large companies failed to protect their employees and now they shall pay the price. If you have been exposed to asbestos you need the top asbestos attorneys Texas has to offer on your side.

Make sure that you get an attorney with asbestos experience. It would be heartbreaking to lose an asbestos case because your lawyer has never dealt with the matter before. These are not hard cases to try since most of them settle, but having experience on your side will ensure that the settlement check has an extra 0 or two on it.

You can get your case reviewed for free by many of the asbestos attorneys out there and they will tell you what you will be looking at as far as a settlement is concerned. They usually don’t even charge you unless they can get you a settlement or win your case. That is the sign of a good asbestos lawyer.

While many of us have lost loved ones to asbestos we have to understand that these large and greedy corporations need to pay for their neglect. They need to pay out millions upon millions of dollars to those that have been affected by their neglect. Stand up and make them pay by getting asbestos attorneys from Texas that are proven to win these cases.

Get more information and contact one of the Asbestos Attorneys Texas today. Go here for more information:

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma is a tumor of the peritoneum membrane. This thin membrane of mesothelial cells surrounds and protects many of the organs in the abdomen. Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of peritoneal mesothelioma in the U.S. However, it can take decades before initial symptoms of this disease appear. Peritoneal Mesothelioma accounts for about one-fifth of all mesotheliomas diagnosed in the US each year.

While peritoneal mesotheliomas are less common than pleural mesotheliomas, they tend to be more invasive, and thus often result in a shorter life expectancy for the patient. Mesotheliomas have also been found in the stomach and other abdominal organs.

Like all cancers, peritoneal mesothelioma can be either benign or malignant. Even though symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma take years to develop, it is sometimes diagnosed by mere coincidence and before any symptoms actually appeared.

Typical symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include abdominal pains, weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal swelling. Sometimes fluid accumulates in the peritoneal space, which results in a condition known as Ascites. Most often than none, the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma start of gradually, but over time the symptoms can become more and more severe.

Although the first step towards detecting peritoneal mesothelioma involve X-rays and CT scans, a definitive diagnosis is only achieved through a biopsy, which usually involves removing a tiny piece of tissue. However, this is generally only done if the doctor finds an abnormality when viewing the peritoneum using a procedure called peritoneoscopy. The tissue sample is then examined by a pathologist who makes a diagnosis using microscopic analysis of specialized stains

At this time, even though there are various treatment options available, there is no known cure for peritoneal mesothelioma. The prognosis depends on various factors, including the size and stage of the tumor, its extent, the cell type, and whether or not the tumor responds to treatment. However, an early diagnosis is important and because of it relief and treatment of people with peritoneal mesothelioma have improved dramatically.

Some of the treatments currently available for peritoneal mesothelioma include:

* Chemotherapy

* Radiation Therapy

* Surgery

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Mesothelioma Adviser

If you or your cousin diagnosed with mesothelioma that caused from asbestos that many employees are likely to be exposed during the manufacture of asbestos products and during automotive brake and clutch repair work so you may need some help for consulting, I suggest you to advise the Mesothelioma Law Firm which is involved to protect the rights of effected people and provide compensation accordingly. After compiling a list of some Mesothelioma law firms in your area, you can try to make contact with them in some way such as by email, mail or telephone for other information and don’t for get to aware of the reliability of each firm. You may consider from their experience or their case result.

After studying your case, the lawyer must consider to inform you of your rights and suggest you how to request your rights. Moreover, it’s during this initial consultation period that a Mesothelioma Attorney can explains what they can do for you and tell you about the cost except free mesothelioma case evaluation.

The reason that I suggest you to consult some Mesothelioma Lawyer is the masterful. According to the intensity of the case, the patient has to consult with the specified professional lawyer. Then, I hope that you will get your authority from the justice.

Mesothelioma Attorney Choices


Deciding who should represent you and your case is one of the most critically important decisions that you might ever make, and could mean the difference between success and failure.
You need, and are entitled to, an experienced mesothelioma attorney who has a track record of success in mesothelioma lawsuits on your side through the entire claim process. You also should expect personal service and individuals committed to your case. We will meet you personally and immediately in your home or office. Let us show you why we are best suited to represent you in a mesothelioma case.

Mesothelioma Compensation Claim Advice - Thompsons Solicitors

Mesothelioma Compensation Claim Advice

Thompsons Solicitors and Mesothelioma Claims

If you or someone you know has developed mesothelioma or any other asbestos related disease, telephone us now for accurate and free claim advice.

Thompsons Solicitors have a history of fighting for the rights of all workers and in particular for those who have been negligently exposed to asbestos by their employers. We won the first ever successful compensation claim in the UK for asbestos related disease in 1972. We have been involved in numerous campaigns to ensure that victims of asbestos receive the medical care and compensation they are entitled to.

There are strict time limits in place to make any injury claim. For further information, contact us or visit our Questions Answered page.

Thompsons Solicitors are experts in all personal injury matters and have teams of specialist mesothelioma solicitors. We will be able to advise you whether or not you have a valid claim for mesothelioma compensation. Our specialist personal injury lawyers will be happy to talk you through the process of making a claim in plain English and will be happy to answer any questions or queries you may have. If you do have a valid personal injury compensation claim and you decide to instruct Thompsons Solicitors to deal with the matter for you, we will recover our legal fees from the person responsible for your injury, ensuring that the entire procedure is cost-free for you. Telephone us now on 08000 224 224 or complete one of our online compensation claim forms.

Mesothelioma Compensation Claim

Pipe Fitter and Plumber exposed to asbestos

A former shipyard worker who was exposed to asbestos was awarded more than £150,000 in compensation with help from Thompsons Solicitors.

Charles Cochran, 67, was awarded the compensation after he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the lung. There is no cure for the disease and sufferers often have just months to live following diagnosis. Charles’ case was settled within four months by Thompsons.

He began his working life as an 16-year-old apprentice at Walker Naval Yard where he was exposed to asbestos used by shipyard contractors. He was never warned it was dangerous and remembers workmates playing football with it during their lunch break.

Charles, who is married to Beryl and has four stepchildren, three children, and 15 grandchildren, was diagnosed with mesothelioma in June 2007 after going to his doctor complaining of flu-like symptoms. He said: “This compensation is not going to bring my health back. But it will make sure my wife will be looked after. It’s a big relief for me to know that.”

Andrew Venn, from Thompsons Solicitors, said: “Mesothelioma is a devastating disease for all involved. It is important that asbestos victims and their family members obtain proper compensation quickly from the insurers of the companies who caused the disease.

Workers most at risk from developing Mesothelioma

Professions where asbestos was commonplace

At Thompsons Solicitors, we have helped many victims of asbestos to make mesothelioma claims. Due to the fact that we have dealt with so many of these mesothelioma claims we have seen a pattern develop showing the workers most at risk from developing mesothelioma and some of these are listed below.

Boilermakers and Laggers - It was commonplace for boilers to be insulated with asbestos lagging. Boilermakers also work alongside the contractors (laggers) who install and renew asbestos boiler insulation. This type of work has put boilermakers and laggers at a particularly high risk of developing mesothelioma.

Electricians - are at risk of developing mesothelioma because they also worked alongside laggers. Electricians also often have to cut or drill through asbestos insulation to install cable trays, instruments, switches and wiring systems.

Joiners and Carpenters and Builders - are also at risk of developing mesothelioma as a result of sawing, drilling and fixing or replacing asbestos cement board often used in partition walls, suspended ceilings, flooring, roof tiles and thermal insulation.

Motor Mechanics - may have been exposed to asbestos as it was frequently used in brake pads and clutches. This has put some Motor Mechanics at risk of developing mesothelioma.

Pipe Fitters and Plumbers - install, maintain and repair pipes, boilers and heating systems. The nature of their work means that they have to cut or drill through walls as well as cutting and assembling sections of pipe, removing and replacing damaged sections of pipe, valve and flanges etc. All of these tasks put them at risk of developing mesothelioma as pipes frequently used to be covered with asbestos lagging. As the pipes were cut, fibres from the asbestos lagging were released into the air and inhaled by the pipefitter or plumber.

Victims of mesothelioma are certainly not limited to the professions mentioned above. Our specialist mesothelioma solicitors have helped victims of this asbestos related disease with their mesothelioma claims who have worked in many other professions including fire fighters, teachers, police officers, managers and a professor.

Veterans with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer their is a great possibility that you were exposed to asbestos while in the military. Experts tell us that there is no way to separate out the damage that each exposure to asbestos does in creating deadly cancers such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. Therefore, it is always true that each exposure, however small, contributed to the cancer. Unfortunately, mesothelioma does not discriminate based on gender, race or sex. Veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma and lung cancer come from all branches of the military. Ages of mesothelioma victims vary greatly as well. In fact, Veterans Assistance Network often handles mesothelioma cases for veterans from as far back as World War II.

Because of the very long latency period from the time of asbestos exposure to the time of the asbestos cancer, many veterans do not seek the VA benefits that they are entitled to. However, just like a soldier injured in war, mesothelioma and lung cancer victims are entitled to maximum benefits. At Veterans Assistance Network we handle all types of disability claims, however we have taken as special interest in mesothelioma claims due to the extreme injury involved. We feel that these brave veterans have been denied benefits for far to long and we are here to even the playing field.

Our friendly and skilled volunteers (comprised completely of veterans) have dedicated their time to ensuring that each asbestos exposed veteran is given a fair shake in obtaining their well deserved VA benefits. Our service is 100% free. Our reward is knowing that veterans and their families will get much need benefits during their time of need. If you or a loved one has developed mesothelioma or lung cancer as a result of asbestos exposure call us today. We are standing by to help you in all your VA needs.

Asbestos Diseases: Asbestos Pleural Disease

Asbestos Diseases: Asbestos Pleural Disease

Asbestos pleural disease is a nonmalignant disease caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers that scar the pleura. The pleura is the thin membrane lining the lung and chest cavity. If the scarring is diffuse and extends along the chest wall, it is called pleural thickening. If the scarring is more focused and well–defined, it is called pleural plaques.

Asbestos pleural disease results in a similar scarring process as the one that occurs inside the lung with asbestosis; however, it occurs in the lining of the lungs rather than in the lungs. Pleural thickening and pleural plaques can cause shortness of breath and impair lung function. Although its symptoms may be treated, asbestos pleural disease is permanent and progressive with no cure. Even after exposure to asbestos has ceased, scarring continues due to the body’s interaction with retained asbestos fibers.

Pleural scarring, which is often seen in conjunction with asbestosis, can be detected on chest x–rays and CT scans and usually reflects a significant history of exposure to asbestos. It normally takes at least 10 years after the first exposure to asbestos for asbestos pleural disease to develop.

Asbestosis Can Be Severely Disabling

Asbestosis Can Be Severely Disabling

Asbestosis and asbestos pleural disease are nonmalignant asbestos diseases that are slowly progressive. They can be severely disabling and potentially fatal. These asbestos diseases cause impairment of pulmonary function, including small airway obstruction, a reduction in lung capacity, breathing restriction, and a reduction in the ability to transfer oxygen from air into the blood. Approximately one in seven people who suffer from asbestosis eventually develop asbestos lung cancer (Asbestos Fact Sheet, Lung Cancer, American Cancer Society).

Asbestosis and asbestos pleural disease are the result of cumulative exposure to asbestos. In individuals who develop these asbestos diseases, every nontrivial occupational exposure to asbestos is significant.

Human lung showing asbestosis

Asbestos Diseases: Asbestosis

Asbestosis is a scarring of lung tissue caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. A portion of the fibers reach the alveoli (air sacs) where oxygen is transferred into the blood. Asbestos activates the lung’s immune system and starts a reaction best described as an inflammatory process. Scavenger white blood cells (macrophages) try to break down the asbestos (phagocytosis) but are not successful, causing other cells (fibroblasts) to grow and form connective–tissue–based scars.

The formation of scar tissue or collagen in the lungs is known as fibrosis. The scar tissue slowly builds up, often reducing the lung’s ability to deliver oxygen to the blood and remove carbon dioxide (reduced diffusion capacity). The total lung capacity or TLC may also be reduced. In severe cases, the impairment of lung function can strain the heart, or even result in heart disease, such as right–sided heart failure or “cor pulmonale.”

Asbestosis and the Inflammatory Process

The inflammatory process starts within hours or days after inhalation of asbestos and injury at the cellular level begins shortly thereafter. In people who develop asbestosis, the inflammatory process continues to progress, fueled by indestructible asbestos fibers, even after exposure to asbestos ceases.

This asbestosis inflammatory process may continue undetected for decades causing no pain or respiratory symptoms. In many people, the process eventually produces symptoms—breathing abnormalities and radiographic changes. Usually, the first symptoms are shortness of breath and a dry cough. These symptoms often precede abnormalities on chest x–ray or pulmonary function tests. The period between exposure and diagnosis is called “latency” and may range from 10 to 50 years. See Asbestosis Diagnosis for more details.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mass. General leading international trial of novel breast cancer drug

A clinical trial of a new targeted breast cancer drug, led by physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center, has begun enrolling patients. The TEACH (Tykerb Evaluation After CHemotherapy) trial will investigate the experimental drug Tykerb (lapatinib) in patients with early-stage, HER2-positive breast cancer who have not been treated with Herceptin, another targeted drug used for the same type of tumor. The MGH is the lead institution for the international trial, which is being sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of Tykerb.

“This trial represents another step toward understanding the role of targeted therapies in extending disease-free survival,” said Paul Goss, MD, PhD, director of Breast Cancer Research at the MGH Cancer Center, who proposed the TEACH study and chairs the International Steering Committee.

About one quarter of breast cancer patients have tumors that overexpress or produce too many copies of a receptor molecule called HER2. Because cellular growth is stimulated by the overactivity of this molecule, which also is called ErbB2, these tumors are more likely to recur and are less responsive to hormone-based treatments. Herceptin, a monoclonal antibody that blocks the HER2 receptor, is approved by the FDA as an adjuvant treatment – given along with chemotherapy after surgical removal and/or radiation therapy – for early-stage, node-positive and HER2-positive tumors as well as for metastatic tumors.

Tykerb blocks both the HER2/ErbB2 receptor and a related molecule called ErbB1. Earlier clinical trials have indicated that it may have advantages over Herceptin in a number of settings related to treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer without significant side effects. Tykerb has not yet received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the TEACH study is a Phase III trial of its use in patients with early-stage HER2-positive tumors. To enroll in the study – which is being conducted at 450 sites around the world – patients must have completed adjuvant chemotherapy but not have received Herceptin. Study participants will be randomized to receive a daily oral dose of either Tykerb or a placebo for up to one year.

“The TEACH study will be the first to investigate the use of a dual ErbB1 and ErbB2 inhibitor as an adjuvant treatment for women with HER2-positive breast cancer, who are at a high risk of their disease recurring,” says Goss.

The concept of the TEACH study arose from our clinics, says Beverly Moy, MD, a medical oncologist at the MGH Breast Center and a member of the TEACH International Steering Committee.We have patients with HER2-positive breast cancer who had never received Herceptin because they were diagnosed before we knew about the benefits of Herceptin in early-stage breast cancer. The results of this study could reveal whether the targeted therapy Tykerb could benefit women several years after the initial diagnosis of breast cancer.